All Waypoints

LatLonBoat nameNoteCreated at
4º 12.672' N100º 36.108' - Returned to Pangkor Marina 3 days ago but slow getting the position reports done. Busy getting ready to haul out and put Tortuguita in storage until September. Heading to the US for the holidays the back here in January to work on things. Feb/Mar we will be backpackers and tour around. April will be at Pangkor and the summer in NJ for a September return to here. That's the plan anyway. Ya' never know.
about 9 years  agoShow

4º 15.018' N100º 32.628' - Heading back to Pangkor Marina. Did 85 miles from Penang and anchored our new favorite anchorage on Pangkor Island. Passed Convivia and Peregrine at 2PM. They were heading north to Penang.
about 9 years  agoShow

5º 27.522' N100º 19.098' - Sailed under the Penang Bridge this morning with 30 other Malaysia Rally boats. Quite a show for the rush hour traffic. Anchored at Straits Quay Marina, Penang, Malaysia for a few days.
over 9 years  agoShow

5º 15.042' N100º 16.41' - Anchored at Rimau Island, Penang. Chased in by thunderstorms. Penang is a big island with an airport and high rise buildings. Much bigger than we expected.over 9 years  agoShow

4º 14.97' N100º 32.61' - Moved to another bay on Pangkor Island, Malaysia. 2 small hotels, no jetskis or banana boats. Nice quiet place. We can even hear the crickets in the hills. Heading to Monkey Island tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

4º 13.77' N100º 32.55' - Had a great week at Pangkor Marina. Did 3 days of bus tours. (Lumut, Pangkor Island, and Ipoh) We are now anchored at Pangkor Island. Jetskis and Banana Boats. Yuck Heading to Monkey Island tomorrow. Will be in Penang, Malaysia by the weekend.over 9 years  agoShow

4º 12.678' N100º 36.138' - At Pangkor Marina for 5-6 days. Not five star but alright. Woken up last night by thunder. Left the anchorage to avoid the lightning. Did 70 miles for a 2PM arrival. Two long days but we made it. The marina is very full from the rally. We will return here after Penang to get hauled out. Cheers.over 9 years  agoShow

3º 12.06' N101º 9.018' - Anchored near Port Klang. Hope to make Marina Pangkor tomorrow. Pushed tide for 5 hours and had it with us for 6. I guess that averages out to almost break even. Thunderstorms over the mainland. Non appear to be coming this way. Cheers.
over 9 years  agoShow

2º 28.542' N101º 50.748' - At the Admiral Marina, Port Dickson. Wow, real nice. This place is too nice. Beautiful infrastructure, giant infinity pool.
Taking the bus to Malacca tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

2º 6.318' N102º 20.022' - Anchored at Water Island. Current in the Malacca Straits has been interesting. 2 knots seems to be the norm. It is painful when it's against us but makes us feel like a racing yacht when it's with us. Had a mass of thunderstorms last night. Not much wind but serious rain and lighting. It was a nice relief from the heat. Kuala Lumpur arrival this afternoon.
over 9 years  agoShow

1º 28.002' N103º 16.338' - Anchored at Palau Pisang (Banana Island). Heading to Kuala Lumpur
over 9 years  agoShow

1º 25.122' N103º 39.492' - Survived crossing the Singapore Strait. Very crazy. Arrived Puteri Harbor Marina. Real Nice Place. Very upscale and good prices. Heaps of restaurants, happy hours, and free internet. Going bus exploring today.
over 9 years  agoShow

1º 11.79' N104º 5.778' - Arrived Nongsa Point Marina. Clearing out in 2 days. Then heading to Puteri Marina, Malaysia by Singapore. This is a very expensive place compared to what we have been used to paying in Malaysia. 2 days here = 1 week in Malaysia. Aussie prices. That's why we're here for just 2 days. Nothing much around the marina. Need to pay for transport to go anywhere. The Singapore Strait looks like it will be a challenge to cross. The busiest shipping lane in the world. Cheers
over 9 years  agoShow

0º 52.158' N104º 14.988' - Anchored Sembulang Island, Nongsa Pt. Tomorrow. 25 miles away.
over 9 years  agoShow

0º 26.058' N104º 30.558' - Anchored Mesanak Island 45' deep. Rocks and Coral. 2G Internet
over 9 years  agoShow

0º 3.24' N104º 45.63' - Anchored at Kentar Island. Crossed the Equator today northbound, exactly 180 degrees longitude from home, and we have a Full Moon. Life is Good.
over 9 years  agoShow

0º 0.0' N104º 50.232' - Just crossed Equator northbound. Exactly half way around the world from Philadelphia. I guess we are now officially heading home. Big Day.
over 9 years  agoShow

1º 6.27' S105º 40.008' - Bypassed Bangka Isl, Too much smoke. Just couldn't see anchoring under the plume of a forest fire. Been trying to get away from smoke since Kumai. Hoping Lingga Island (South anchorage) will work. Doesn't seem to be downwind of burners.
over 9 years  agoShow

0º 18.342' S104º 58.782' - Anchored Lingga (SE). Seems to be nice. Protected from swell by an island but the onshore wind should keep the smoke away. We'll take this any day. 2G Internet
over 9 years  agoShow

1º 46.548' S106º 31.488' - Heading to Bangka Island, Indonesia. ETA 1-2PM. Wind finally came back to the SE at midnight and as expected the seas got more calm and organized. There was hardly any shipping and fisherman traffic on this leg. Maybe one or two lights occasionally on the horizon compared to ten to twenty in the Jawa and Bali Sea.
over 9 years  agoShow

2º 18.078' S107º 19.908' - Heading to Bangka Island, Indonesia. Wind from the Northwest for 6 hours so far. Hope this isn't an early change of season to the NW monsoon. Bumpy from wind against current. All's well.
over 9 years  agoShow

2º 33.09' S107º 39.708' - Moved to this spot because the afternoon winds were kicking us badly. Spot E from the cruising guide is much more protected.
over 9 years  agoShow

2º 33.51' S107º 40.602' - Anchored at Tanjung Kelayung, Belitung Island, Indonesia. 2 days from Kumai. Nice tradewind sailing. Looks like a nice place. White sand beaches and clear water. We can see the anchor chain laid out 20 ft below us on white sand. Possibly some kind of a resort over at the beach. Will need to explore. Life is good.
over 9 years  agoShow

2º 40.8' S108º 43.65' - Approaching Belitung. ETA tomorrow AM. Will have to slow down to have some sun to see the reefs on our arrival.
over 9 years  agoShow

3º 4.962' S109º 44.43' - Underway to Belitung, Indo. Entering S. China Sea. Had an easy night without many fishing boats. Approaching lots of shipping traffic. Good winds and current in our favor. May have to slow down tonight.
over 9 years  agoShow

3º 16.668' S110º 48.72' - Left Borneo this morning. Underway to NW Belitung Island, Indonesia. Best seas we have had in a while. Not too much coastal boat traffic so far. The river trip to Tanjung Puting was great. The Orangutans are incredible. What an experience. Will get it on the blog in a few days when we have internet.
over 9 years  agoShow

2º 54.072' S111º 42.258' - Anchored at the mouth of the Kumai River, Borneo, Indonesia. Spent 2 days in the Tanjung Puting National Park on an all inclusive kloktok (river boat). Saw maybe 50 orangutan if you include the babies. What a great experience. Went to the Kumai market this morning for fruits and veggies. Papaya season is over but mango season just began. Will leave for Belitung tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

2º 44.382' S111º 44.028' - Anchored in the Kumai River, Borneo, Indonesia. Had a early morning arrival on the coast. Visibility was poor and got worse as we motored the 3 hours up river to the town of Kumai. At times visibility was 1/4 mile from the smoke from 'slash and burn' fires and the inversion layer trapping the air. This would have been a very pretty tropical jungle destination. Instead the acrid smell of fires is choking at times. Looking forward to leaving except saw that fires from Sumatra are smoking a path all the way along our route to Singapore. With cruising, as in life, you have to take the good with the bad. Too bad.
over 9 years  agoShow

4º 5.322' S112º 5.322' - ETA Kumai tomorrow AM. Sloppy seas but good sailing day. The wind is calming down as we approach land but the seas haven't. Currently motor sailing to keep from bobbing around too much.
over 9 years  agoShow

5º 5.85' S112º 48.978' - Bouncy night but making miles. ETA Tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

5º 53.748' S113º 23.49' - Skipping Bawean due to night arrival. We don't do those. Heading to Kumai Kalimantan, Borneo Island, Indonesia
over 9 years  agoShow

6º 34.578' S113º 55.71' - Underway to Balewan Is, Indonesia. Still light wind. Last night we had a huge coal barge try to pass in front of us, with the barge behind us. I don't think he cared about destroying our boat, killing us, and losing his cargo.
over 9 years  agoShow

7º 22.41' S114º 34.08' - Underway to Balewan Is, Indonesia. Light Wind Today. Getting better. Trying for a PM arrival.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 9.552' S115º 1.362' - Sailed and motored all night. Anchored at Lovina Beach, Bali, Indonesia. Nice holding in sand in front of a beach. Finally no coral to worry about. The anchorage is big. Will be here a few days
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 7.998' S115º 26.742' - Destination was Amed on the North Coast of Bali. Anchorage was terrible unless you brought your surfboard. Big swell. No other anchorage to make a daytime arrival, so no alternate. We will spend the night heading to Lovina Beach. Can't go in until we have sunlight to see the reef. Alternate for Lovina is Teluk Mipi. Cheers.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 21.882' S116º 7.752' - At the dock at Medana Bay Marina, Lombok Island, Indonesia. Working on our Visa Extensions, filling diesel, and laundry. Hope to leave the dock and go to a mooring. Visas will take a week to get a one month extension. We're on Indonesia time. Nothing happens fast here. Makes Mexico seem fast paced.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 21.912' S116º 4.902' - Anchored at Gili Air, Lombok Is. Indonesia. This is a touristy island with restaurants and hotels. We are finally back in civilization.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 17.73' S116º 41.472' - Anchored at Gili Lawang, Lombok Island. Indonesia. Just a quick overnight stop on our way to Medana Bay, Lombok.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 22.95' S117º 10.29' - Anchored at Potopaddu, Sumbawa Is. Indonesia. This little bay is so beautiful and protected. On arrival, we were greeted by the usual dugout canoe paddlers and negotiated for some corn, tomatoes, and green mangoes. They said they'll be back. We'll see.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 16.56' S117º 30.36' - Anchored at Moyo Isl. Sumbawa Is. Indonesia... Deep anchorage, Plenty of coral.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 8.358' S117º 46.08' - Anchored at Kananga, Sumbawa Is. Indonesia
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 19.68' S118º 23.262' - Anchored at Kilo, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. Still no internet. Plenty of canoe kids. Told them nothing is for free but we will trade for fruit and veggies. A few actually came back with tomatoes, bananas, apples. They got a fair trade from us. The others got nothing. Hopefully when the next pack of boats come, they will show up with produce.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 17.61' S118º 55.932' - Anchored at Wera Bay, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. This is a boat building town with some 50 foot all wood construction being done on the beach under thatch roof sheds. Arrived too late to explore.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 27.048' S119º 26.97' - Anchored at Batu Montjo, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Not much here except wild pigs on the beach. Dragon Food. Heading to Sumbawa tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 39.162' S119º 42.798' - Anchored at the Loh Buaya Ranger Station, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Did a two hour hike, saw about 15 dragons. No Internet here. Heading to Komodo Island tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 39.162' S119º 42.798' - Anchored at Komodo Park Station, Rinca, Indonesia with Luna Blu. Will do a trip looking for Dragons tomorrow morning. No Internet here.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 27.642' S119º 52.17' - Moored at Waecicu. Three Resorts, Beautiful Beach. Tried for Gili Bobo Island but it was on fire, like really, on fire, and the anchorage was real deep and too close to the coral so we diverted here which is close to Labuan Bajo. Done pushing for a while. Will be here a few days.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 17.382' S120º 35.85' - Anchored at Lingeh, Flores Island., Indonesia - Lots of canoe kids paddled out. Some with things to trade. Some with nothing. We now have 3 coconuts, 30 bananas, a bag of tomatoes, and 5 eggplants. I hated to sell things door to door when I was young. I can sympathize with these kids except I didn't have to paddle a canoe to sell Boy Scout chocolates.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 24.618' S121º 1.782' - Anchored at Riung, Flores Island., Indonesia Little fishing/farming town. Have seen more tourists here than all other places we have been in Indonesia, combined. Locals run day trips to the 17 Islands National Park.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 36.54' S121º 31.248' - Anchored at Ciendeh, Flores Island, Indonesian 70th Year Independence Day from the Dutch in 1945 after WWII. Going to town later. 5 other boats here. Tomorrow Riung, Flores.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 27.63' S121º 56.67' - Anchored at Batuboga, Flores Island, Indonesia. Tried for Ciendeh but not enough wind to make an arrival with high sun. Diverted to a very nice spot on the west side of Cape Batuboga. Anchored on a reef sandbar with a stern anchor. 3 other boats here. Ciendeh tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 32.418' S122º 5.418' - Anchored at Kolisia, Flores Island, Indonesia. We tried Geliting (Maumare) but was not safe. Too much wind onshore and too deep. It was too late to make any other known anchorages so we were going to head out to sea for the night and head west. Night is not good because of the unlighted fishing buoys. Just happened to be looking on Google Earth and found this prize of an anchorage. Click on the Farkwar link and then zoom in on this place. What a find. Cute, Clean, and Calm. Just glad we're not motoring down the coast at night.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 26.772' S122º 24.552' - Anchored at Pulu Besar, Indonesia. Cute town. Had a rocky night in Sagu so left at first light. Did 70 miles and found a nice calm spot at a small island village off the coast of Flores.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 14.4' S123º 13.428' - Anchored at Sagu Village, Adorana Island, Indonesia. Easy half day sail. Not a very protected anchorage. Coral and rocks 40' toward the shore. Another active volcano to the east.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 17.478' S123º 37.92' -- Canceled Koros due to swell. Instead anchored at Lewaling Village, Lomblen (Lembata) Island, Indonesia. The village has about 30 houses and 1000 coconut trees. Had a beautiful sunset behind the active volcano Lewotolo (about 5 miles to the west). It's interesting that when we are seeing the sunset here, the sun is rising at the same time on the East Coast of the US. We are, really, on the other side of the world.

We will stay here another day and try to get some ladies from the town to cook us a beach barbecue. There is nothing resembling a restaurant here.

over 9 years  agoShow

8º 14.352' S123º 42.558' -- Anchored at Balaurin, Lombien Island, Indonesia. Nice day sail (8 hrs.) from Pantar. Calm but Deep (60') anchorage close to a small village. Coral reef is 20 ft behind us. Hope the anchor holds. Heading to the Koros Islands tomorrow. Cheers.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 22.248' S124º 5.988' -- Anchored at Pulau (Island) Pantar, Indonesia. Greeted by 35 kids in dugout canoes wanting everything from sunglasses to books. Use the word 'Perdagang' and they will stop asking. Perdagang means 'Trade' and unless they are willing to go get us some coconuts or mangoes, they will stop asking for freebies. They rarely get yachts here and are infatuated by the entire concept. Can't say I blame them.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 13.308' S124º 31.302' -- Anchored at Alor, Indonesia. Seems like a quiet little fishing town. Surrounded by kids in canoes when we arrived. Long day. Glad to be here.
over 9 years  agoShow

8º 58.8' S124º 2.202' -- Midnight departure for Alor, Indonesia. Current & Tide in this area is crazy. The north side of the island chain fills from the Pacific and the south side from the Indian Ocean. They are not in sync and there are currents running every which way. We need to time the tide correctly in the strait of Alor. With this moon, the current is running 5-6 knots. That's about as fast as we can sail.
over 9 years  agoShow

9º 26.628' S123º 49.428' -- Anchored Naikliu, West Timor, Indonesia. Done with Kupang. Did everything we wanted to do. Banquet Dinners, Traditional Dancing, Waterfall Tour, Street Festivals, and Traditional Villages. Came up the north shore of Timor to break the trip up in to two days.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 9.708' S123º 34.26' -- Arrived at 6AM. Anchored and cleared in - Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia.
Mobs of fishing boats lined the channel last night with hundreds of white LED lights on each one. They were so bright they lit up our boat while trying to avoid their fishing lines. Clearance was great due to the Rally. Otherwise, it would have been 5 visits to different officialdoms. Customs, Immigration, Health, Agriculture, and Port Captain. Everyone wanted copies and copies of our documents. Got an internet SIM chip and we're finally back on line. Glad to be here. So far very interesting. Going to a 'Gala Dinner' tonight. People are very friendly and very poor. Costs seem to be real low. Giant beer was $3 at a tourist bar. Guess we could have done better if we looked around.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 34.398' S124º 13.998' -- Underway to Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia - We finally have wind. Good Spinnaker Day. Seas <1m. May need to slow down to time the incoming tide.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 57.6' S125º 27.498' -- Underway to Kupang, West Timor - ETA Tomorrow AM.
over 9 years  agoShow

11º 11.118' S126º 19.362' -- Underway to Kupang, West Timor - Still Motorsailing. Looks like another calm night. Will get wind tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

11º 27.132' S127º 18.378' -- Underway to Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia - Another light wind night. Should be back to sailing today.
over 9 years  agoShow

11º 40.8' S128º 12.858' -- Underway to Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia - No wind as expected - Motoring. Maybe some light wind tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

11º 55.872' S129º 12.372' -- Underway to Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia - Calm night - A nice night for motoring.
over 9 years  agoShow

12º 9.9' S130º 1.998' -- Underway - 418 miles to Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia with the Sail Indonesia Rally.
over 9 years  agoShow

12º 25.59' S130º 49.248' -- Anchored Fannie Bay, Darwin. OMG we made it. 28 days from the Gold Coast, 2100 miles. Tortuguita looks like a salt crystal. Had hot showers and drinks at the Sailing Club. Beautiful setting. Need Indonesia Visas, diesel, water, and sleep. Then off to Indo on Saturday.
over 9 years  agoShow

11º 32.802' S131º 37.998' -- Van Dieman Gulf. Motored to make tide windows.
over 9 years  agoShow

11º 0.618' S132º 33.498' -- Anchored, Croker Is. Aboriginal Settlement.
over 9 years  agoShow

11º 3.45' S133º 21.732' -- Got some sleep. Heading to Somerville Bay for more. Just real uncomfortable. Can't wait to get out of this area.
over 9 years  agoShow

11º 6.072' S134º 34.068' -- Horrible conditions. 30kt wind, 3-4m seas. Choice was either to head to New Guinea or fight our way back to calmer waters. Too much green water over the bow. Been beating all day to the coast. Well worth it. Won't have to heave to again tonight. Running down the coast w/ 12kts behind us.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 40.38' S135º 37.74' -- Day 4AM Too Rough. Hove to @ 3AM. Need sleep.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 46.77' S136º 44.298' -- Day 3PM Passing Cape Wessel. Made good time. 20kts, Beam Reach, 2nd Reef, 12hr avg. 7.6kts
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 45.672' S138º 5.1' -- Day 3AM - Seas calming down. Broad reach.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 49.602' S139º 4.902' -- Day 2PM. Winds more South. Cross swell and current.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 49.002' S140º 17.598' -- Day 2PM. Winds more South. Cross swell and current. Lumpy and confused. The seas, not us.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 50.352' S140º 4.8' -- Day 2. Not a smooth night but we've had worse.
Big following swell. Wind down to 15. Sunny skies. Just plugging along.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 51.24' S141º 22.74' -- Day 1 to Darwin. Good wind, Mixed seas but calming.
Should ease tomorrow and the next day. Great current in the Torres Strait.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 50.898' S142º 21.738' -- Anchored at Seisia. Leaving for Darwin in the AM.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 40.398' S142º 31.902' -- Over The Top - Cape York. Heading to Seisia.
over 9 years  agoShow

10º 54.0' S142º 44.448' --Passing Escape River. Almost to Cape York
over 9 years  agoShow

11º 48.102' S143º 9.3' --Passing Cape Greenville. Slow day.
over 9 years  agoShow

12º 35.628' S143º 24.39' -- Anchored at Portland Heads. Cute place. Wish we could stay. Moving on to the Torres Straits tomorrow.
over 9 years  agoShow

13º 30.798' S143º 40.302' -- Long night navigating the reef. Hdg to Portland Heads
over 9 years  agoShow

14º 4.2' S144º 20.4' -- Passing Cape Melville. Good run today from Lizard.
over 9 years  agoShow

14º 39.702' S145º 27.072' -- Anchored Lizard Island. Sloppy night getting here.
over 9 years  agoShow

15º 43.698' S145º 28.422' -- Passing Hope Islands. Spinnaker - ETA Lizard 7AM
over 9 years  agoShow

16º 29.652' S145º 27.342' -- Anchored way up the river in Port Douglas. Crocs here
over 9 years  agoShow

17º 19.098' S146º 10.2' -- Passing Innisfail. Continuing to Port Douglas. The wind is back but so is the rain.
over 9 years  agoShow

18º 27.798' S146º 34.5' -- Passing Hinchinbrook Is. No wind. Slow going.
over 9 years  agoShow

19º 9.522' S146º 51.258' -- Magnetic Island Marina Berth A12 until Saturday
over 9 years  agoShow

19º 15.198' S147º 21.198' -- Passing Bowling Green Noon ETA Magnetic
over 9 years  agoShow

19º 52.602' S148º 20.598' -- Passing Bowen to Magnetic. Small Spinnaker
over 9 years  agoShow

20º 30.3' S149º 2.7' -- Anchored - Shaw Island. Late start from Mackay
over 9 years  agoShow

21º 6.9' S149º 13.5' -- Marina Mackay - Looking forward to sleep
over 9 years  agoShow

21º 46.398' S150º 14.298' -- Passing Percy Group. Rough Night, Rainy.
over 9 years  agoShow

22º 49.698' S151º 7.002' -- Passing Cape Townshend. Good wind Hope good tide
over 9 years  agoShow

23º 45.6' S151º 45.6' -- Passing Gladstone. Nice wind but lumpy
over 9 years  agoShow

24º 37.302' S152º 27.498' -- Passing Bundaberg avoiding thunderstorms
over 9 years  agoShow

25º 17.7' S152º 54.702' -- Sandy Straits Marina Disregard last map location
over 9 years  agoShow

26º 17.7' S152º 54.702' -- Sandy Straits Marina for the night and fuel up
over 9 years  agoShow

26º 1.998' S153º 16.998' -- Approaching Wide Bay Bar to the Sandy Straits
over 9 years  agoShow

27º 15.0' S153º 34.998' --Passing Morton Island. Heading North.
over 9 years  agoShow

27º 55.998' S153º 27.0' -- Leaving Southport Seaway heading North.
over 9 years  agoShow

27º 51.732' S153º 20.13' - Berth 66, Gold Coast City Marina. Prepping to leave Saturday
almost 10 years  agoShow

27º 51.732' S153º 20.13' - Berth 58, Gold Coast City Marina. Yeahhhh.
over 10 years  agoShow

27º 38.1' S153º 22.548' ETortuguita - Anchored at Karragarra Island. 2 long days.
over 10 years  agoShow

26º 41.34' S153º 7.242' - Anchored at Mooloolaba Boat Harbor.
over 10 years  agoShow

25º 44.52' S152º 59.64' - Anchored at Brown's Gutter. Mooloolaba tomorrow.
over 10 years  agoShow

25º 32.268' S152º 42.42' - On a mooring in downtown Maryborough. Only ran aground once.
over 10 years  agoShow

24º 14.058' S152º 59.988' - Anchored at Moon Point. In the Sandy Straits, Hervey Bay. Totally Calm. Little flying bugs everywhere.
over 10 years  agoShow

24º 45.66' S152º 23.22' - Bundaberg Marina Berth Blue7. Raining. Here 2 days
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24º 23.478' S152º 9.492' - Approaching Bundaberg. Rainshowers.
over 10 years  agoShow

22º 33.348' S151º 34.518' - Passing Cape Capricornia. Still going to Bundaberg, maybe.
over 10 years  agoShow

22º 37.062' S150º 51.822' - Passing The Percys. Overnight passage to ?????
over 10 years  agoShow

21º 41.1' S150º 13.578' - Passing The Percys. Overnight passage to ?????
over 10 years  agoShow

21º 51.792' S149º 13.59' - Tried for Curlew, went to Scawfell. Got to be flexible around here.
over 10 years  agoShow

21º 6.888' S149º 13.482' - Tried for Scawfell. Winds were too much southwest. Diverted to Mackay Marina, Slip X50. Here for a few days.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 30.33' S149º 2.838' - Anchored at Burning Point, Shaw Island. Will be here a few days waiting for the 'blow' to pass.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 17.46' S149º 3.06' - Anchored at Whitehaven Beach. Beautiful
over 10 years  agoShow

19º 48.678' S149º 3.84' - Anchored on the Great Barrier Reef. Leaving tomorrow.
over 10 years  agoShow

19º 23.4' S147º 53.298' - All Nighter to Hook Reef, Whitsundays.
over 10 years  agoShow

19º 9.528' S146º 51.258' - Slip A12 Magnetic Island Marina. Here until Thursday.
over 10 years  agoShow

19º 6.81' S146º 51.6' - Anchored at Horseshoe Bay, Magnetic Island. Nice
over 10 years  agoShow

19º 18.93' S147º 22.998' - Anchored behind Cape Bowling Green. 1 other boat
over 10 years  agoShow

19º 43.638' S147º 45.462' - Anchored behind Cape Upstart. 4 sailboats 2 shrimpers. Bowling Green tomorrow.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 1.038' S148º 15.342' - On Pile Moorings in Bowen Harbor. Here 2 days. Going biking.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 4.242' S148º 26.43' - Returned to Shag. Only 6 boats here this time.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 6.27' S148º 54.162' - Mooring at Stonehaven. Monte's tomorrow.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 15.612' S148º 56.628' - Tried Cid Island, no good. Back at Cid Harbor. 20 boats
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20º 8.628' S148º 55.548' - Anchored at Macona Inlet. Calm unlike Airlie. 8 boats
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 15.63' S148º 43.41' - Anchored at Airlie Beach for a few days.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 8.16' S148º 54.87' - Anchored at Nara Inlet. 15 Boats w/MERLIN
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 4.56' S148º 55.47' - On a mooring in Butterfly Bay - 10 boats
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 4.41' S148º 26.268' - Anchored at the Shaggers Rendezvous probably 300 boats
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 12.018' S148º 37.65' - Anchored East Double Bay, 10 boats No Internet
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 15.948' S148º 42.522' - Moved to Abell Pt. Marina Slip M24.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 15.57' S148º 42.942' - Anchored at Arlie Beach. Busy place, rude powerboaters
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 20.64' S148º 50.922' - Bow on a mooring. Stern tied to a coconut tree at Palm Bay. Neat little place.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 15.81' S148º 56.43' - Moved to Cid Harbor. Heaps of boats but still plenty of room.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 17.442' S148º 57.438' Anchored at Gulnare Inlet. 6 boats. Incredibly well protected, and beautiful. Looks like the Pacific Northwest. Here for a few days.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 32.592' S149º 6.45' Anchored Thomas Island. 5 other boats. Beautiful.
over 10 years  agoShow

20º 47.928' S149º 15.858' Anchored Brampton Island. Nice little bay. 7 boats here
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21º 6.69' S149º 13.65' Mackay Marina Slip C42 until maybe Friday. It's gonna blow. Then onward and upward. Cheers

over 10 years  agoShow

21º 52.002' S150º 15.0' - Overnighter to Mackay. Bumpy Day, nice nite, full moon
over 10 years  agoShow

23º 9.99' S150º 56.94' - Anchored at Great Keppel. 21 boats here. Nice place
over 10 years  agoShow

24º 1.998' S151º 44.532' - Pancake Creek, nice anchorage, Keppel Tomorrow
over 10 years  agoShow

24º 45.642' S152º 23.238' ETortuguita2AM to 8AM light wind motored to Bundaberg. Here for a week.

over 10 years  agoShow

25º 17.67' S152º 54.702' ETortuguitaHad a WHALE of a day in the Great Sandy Straits. At Hervey Bay Marina leaving for Bundaberg tomorrow.

over 10 years  agoShow

25º 37.878' S152º 58.302' ETortuguitaCrossed Wide Bay Bar. Mid Outgoing Tide. Anchored at Garrys.

over 10 years  agoShow

26º 41.19' S153º 7.632' ETortuguitaSlip F16 Mooloolaba Marina Yacht Club for a week.
over 10 years  agoShow

27º 27.0' S153º 12.0' ETortuguitaMotored from Gold Coast City Marina. Tides and current were good. Diverted to East Coast Marina in the Manley Boat Harbor. Plan to Depart Wednesday for Mooloolaba.

over 10 years  agoShow

27º 51.438' S153º 20.082' ETortuguitaOnly moved 200m from the hardstand to a slip but a big goal towards getting underway.

over 10 years  agoShow

27º 51.0' S153º 19.998' ETortuguitaGold Coast City Marina.almost 11 years  agoShow

New Waypoint