Destination: Norfolk, VA
Hailing Port: Portland, Oregon, USA
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Destination: Hammerfest
Hailing Port: Basel
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Destination: Wherever
Hailing Port: Flagler Beach, Florida
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Destination: Malmoe, Sweden
Hailing Port: Kappeln, Germany (previously Nahant, MA - USA)
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Hailing Port: Dallas, Texas
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Destination: Les Sables d'Olonne, France
Hailing Port: Les Sables d'Olonne, France
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Hailing Port: London
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Destination: Gibraltar
Hailing Port: Basel
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Destination: Victoria
Hailing Port: PNW
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Destination: Bahamas
Hailing Port: Portland, Oregon - USA
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Destination: Lelystad
Hailing Port: Lelystad
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Destination: Lance Aux Epines, Grenada
Hailing Port: San Francisco, CA
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