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LatLonBoat nameNoteCreated at
20º 39.858' N105º 15.09' WSV Bella SirenaLying Marina Vallarta on boat projects planning next voyage.over 3 years  agoShow

31º 51.288' N116º 37.524' WSV Bella Sirenaalmost 6 years  agoShow

31º 51.42' N116º 37.422' ESV Bella SirenaLying Cruiseport Marina working on projects and plans.almost 6 years  agoShow

8º 58.998' S140º 49.998' WSV Bella SirenaNuku Hiva, Taiohae Bay, French Polynesia Arrived May 7 on 23rd day of sail from La Paz ?? almost 8 years  agoShow

24º 9.354' N110º 19.608' WSV Bella SirenaMarina de La Paz MX, planning an early April depature date to the Marquesas Islandsabout 8 years  agoShow

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