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LatLonBoat nameNoteCreated at
67º 27.222' S14º 1.548' WMehalahPut Our Text In Here…..Don't Forget to Update Position AGAIN about 5 years  agoShow

87º 27.222' S167º 1.548' WMehalahPut Our Text In Here…..Don't Forget to Update Position AGAIN AGAIN about 5 years  agoShow

7º 27.222' S3º 1.548' WMehalahtest text here and here and here about 5 years  agoShow

7º 27.222' S3º 1.548' WMehalah-----
At 13/05/2019 04:36 (utc) our position was 07°27.22'S, 003°01.55'W
Destination: Ebley
about 5 years  agoShow

7º 27.222' S3º 1.548' WMehalah-----
At 13/05/2019 04:36 (utc) our position was 07°27.22'S, 003°01.55'W
Destination: Ebley
about 5 years  agoShow

53º 21.33' N1º 10.458' WMehalahabout 5 years  agoShow

31º 51.42' N116º 37.422' EMehalahLying Cruiseport Marina working on projects and plans.almost 6 years  agoShow

31º 51.288' N116º 37.524' WMehalahSV Bella Sirena: 53211almost 6 years  agoShow

8º 58.998' S140º 49.998' WMehalahNuku Hiva, Taiohae Bay, French Polynesia Arrived May 7 on 23rd day of sail from La Paz ??almost 8 years  agoShow

24º 9.354' N110º 19.608' WMehalahMarina de La Paz MX, planning an early April depature date to the Marquesas Islandsabout 8 years  agoShow

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