All Waypoints

Lat ▲LonBoat nameNoteCreated at
2º 54.03' S79º 0.252' WGalapagosIn Cuenca, Ecuador, visiting Claire and Daniel.about 7 years  agoShow

0º 11.178' S78º 20.838' WGalapagosA short stay near the Quito Airport before heading to Lago Agrio in the Amazon Basinabout 7 years  agoShow

0º 3.498' N76º 52.86' WGalapagosBoyte here: In Lago Agrio, Ecuador at the hostel Planeta Azul. This is our last connected stop before the Bamboo lodge further into the jungle. But there is plenty of jungle here. Our room is one step up from Gilligan and the skipper’s hut but not quite as chic as Thurston and Lovey Howell’s. Off the balcony we can see the Rio Aquarico flowing muddily past, probably too fast for caymans but a boy can dream. Melissa has her camera at the ready, this Ecuador is an entirely different kettle of piranha from the mountains of Cuenca. about 7 years  agoShow

19º 5.508' N104º 26.172' WGalapagosTucked further in to carrizal than this location suggests we had to dinghy our to find signal. almost 6 years  agoShow

19º 11.454' N104º 40.542' WGalapagosA short trip from Tenacatita to the lagoon at Barra de Navidad. It is beautiful and quiet here with only half a dozen boats in this totally landlocked anchorage. No ocean swells! We did have some drama as I grounded the boat on a sandbar just before entering the lagoon. A moments confusion was all it took to come to an embarrassing standstill as pangas passed us by. Fortunately the tide was coming in and using the wakes of passing pangas, we were off the bar after about twenty minutes. No harm done except to our pride. almost 6 years  agoShow

19º 17.898' N104º 48.186' WGalapagosWe’ve been in Bahia Tenacatita for a couple of days now. We are are having to learn to accept the persistent ocean swell in our anchorages. Some days (or nights) are worse than others and we are grateful that Galapagos has a variety of sleeping options. almost 6 years  agoShow

20º 33.216' N105º 16.242' WGalapagos Taking a little break from our la Cruz anchorage. We are discovering just how populated and touristy Puerto Vallarta and the southern part of banderas bay really is. Pangas and charter boats are zooming hither and yon. We finally found a roadstead anchorage with reasonable depths and a few nearby beaches. Should be here for just one day. almost 6 years  agoShow

20º 41.532' N105º 17.61' WGalapagosBack at paradise village. almost 6 years  agoShow

20º 41.856' N105º 17.664' WGalapagosWe motored the six miles from our anchorage of the last month near La Cruz to the marina at Paradise Village in Nuevo Vallarta. It has been three and a half months since we have tied up to a dock so it feels a little strange to have the boat so quiet and still. This is a fancy marina attached to a big resort. I guess that means we have to look respectable which entails bathing and wearing pants. almost 6 years  agoShow

20º 44.826' N105º 21.996' WGalapagosThe hook is down in the La Cruz Anchorage. After a rolly and sleepless night in Chacala, we are looking forward to a restful night here. A few boats we know from past anchorages are here so we will enjoy seeing old freinds and making new ones.

The trip down only got comfortable and fun after 1:00 PM when the northwest winds filled in and allowed us to roll with the swells. Rounding punta mita gave us a nice downwind sail to La Cruz with following seas and whales to watch.
almost 6 years  agoShow

20º 44.862' N105º 22.206' WGalapagosLeaving La Cruz / Banderas Bay after almost three months in the area. Making our way North. Our first stop is Isla Isabela. over 5 years  agoShow

20º 44.922' N105º 19.764' WGalapagosBack in La Cruz for a couple of weeks.almost 6 years  agoShow

20º 45.114' N105º 22.56' WGalapagosAbout 60 miles from Espiritu Santo where we will anchor for a day or two at Playa Bonanza. Flat seas and very light northwesterly winds means lots of motoring but I play with the sails if there is the least chance of turning off this engine.
over 5 years  agoShow

21º 9.72' N105º 13.698' WGalapagosAnchored at Chacala just off the beach. Our stern anchoring technique has
failed us once again so we may be in for a rolly night.
almost 6 years  agoShow

21º 31.146' N105º 14.448' WGalapagosAnchored in bahia Mantachen south of San Blas Nayarit. After three great days on Isla Isabela, it is nice to have some civilized conveniences.about 6 years  agoShow

21º 50.868' N105º 52.728' WGalapagosAnchored at Isla Isabela in the Lee of the monas. 18 hours motoring into light wind and northwest swell from La Cruz. We are the only cruising boat here which is what we had hoped as many of the other boats in La Cruz will wait one more day if they decide to stop here.

This is not the greatest Anchorage for wind or wave protection and the bottom is littered with rocky outcroppings. There was a panga just where we wanted to drop the hook and we had to move in a bit closer to feel comfortable.

Hope to rest here a couple of days and then find decent wind for a longer passage north.
over 5 years  agoShow

22º 44.466' N106º 26.226' WGalapagosPresently motor sailing in light wind about 25 miles due south of Mazatlan. We had decent wind leaving Isla Isabela and enjoyed sailing most of the day. But now we slog north and west in light air and a small westerly swell. We hope to hit the peninsula well north of La Paz. That means over two hundred miles and much of that will be with the engine running.
over 5 years  agoShow

23º 3.51' N109º 39.942' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

23º 5.058' N110º 27.966' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

23º 22.746' N109º 25.554' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

23º 22.752' N109º 25.554' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

23º 22.752' N109º 25.542' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

23º 22.776' N109º 25.476' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

23º 22.782' N109º 25.47' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

23º 33.636' N109º 1.122' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.42' N110º 19.488' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.42' N110º 19.488' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.42' N110º 19.932' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.42' N110º 19.488' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.42' N110º 19.488' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.42' N110º 19.488' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.42' N110º 19.488' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.42' N110º 19.92' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.426' N110º 19.488' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 9.486' N110º 19.728' WGalapagosBack in La Paz for Christmas and to hole up for the next Norther. Looking forward to the La Paz Waltz.about 6 years  agoShow

24º 9.528' N110º 19.764' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 13.584' N111º 45.468' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 15.264' N110º 18.894' WGalapagosCame over to Bahia falso in the hopes that Melissa could get her telcel number recharged. This little beach side restaurant allowed us to beach our dinghy somewhere safe while we went in search of a convenience store. As luck would have it, three people from Anaheim offered us a ride to the nearest Oxxo but we ended up chatting the whole way into La Paz. Cell phones charged, we ubered back to the beach (Playa el Tesoro) and had a great meal of fish tacos, guacamole, and beer/margaritas. A fun first evening back on the Baja. over 5 years  agoShow

24º 16.8' N110º 19.77' WGalapagosMaking our way to cereal o channel where we hope to begin our southward migration to puerto Vallarta. about 6 years  agoShow

24º 19.578' N110º 19.98' WGalapagosA rolly Anchorage at bahia calandra as we slowly escape the charms of La Paz.about 6 years  agoShow

24º 24.396' N110º 16.59' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 26.472' N110º 18.504' WGalapagosAnchored in Playa Bonanza on Espirtu Santo since the 19th. It was nice to be in a quiet anchorage after three days passage from isla isabela. Sadly, the bees of the island found us and our delicious water and soon we had thousands of them aboard. They aren’t aggressive but we both got stung nonetheless by virtue of their sheer numbers and proximity. Moving a bit further off shore didn’t help. Soapy water seems to be the best deterrent and hundreds of bees met their queen in the bowls of suds we placed around the boat. Melissa and I are strategizing on how to make convenient screens for all the big hatches. over 5 years  agoShow

24º 27.138' N110º 18.408' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 27.18' N110º 18.444' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 28.344' N110º 22.8' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 28.362' N110º 22.8' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 28.362' N110º 22.806' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 28.386' N110º 22.812' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 38.31' N112º 8.226' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 38.316' N112º 8.226' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 49.248' N110º 34.182' WGalapagosWe tucked into the west cove on Isla San Francisco Around Five PM after some motoring and some sailing up from Bahia Falsa. This was a chance for us to rendezvous with Kevin and Cressie of Blue. We had dinner aboard Galapagos and caught up with each other's lives.

We will enjoy a day (or two) here and then continue north.
over 5 years  agoShow

24º 50.496' N112º 26.574' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

24º 54.774' N110º 42.168' WGalapagosMoved to San Everisto as the wind and waves in Isla san francisco got to be a bit much. Our timing was perfect as we got to swim with thousands (THOUSANDS!) of mobula rays in this little cove.
over 5 years  agoShow

25º 18.12' N110º 56.772' WGalapagosWe left San Everisto this morning aspiring to make Aqua Verde. The wind and ,more importantly, the waves started making our trip north really uncomfortable. The seas here get steep and the period is very short, three or four seconds, which make for a really bumpy ride.

So we shortened our trip and tucked into Los Gatos. It doesnt offer perfect protection but our standards for comfort are alarmingly low. It is also a beautiful Anchorage with big, smooth, red sand sandstone rocks all around. Perfect for clambering around on.
over 5 years  agoShow

25º 43.446' N111º 14.154' WGalapagosAn easy day from Los Gatos to Candeleros. We have 4g cell service here for surfing g and making calls.over 5 years  agoShow

25º 48.264' N111º 18.504' WGalapagosJust outside of Puerto Escondido. Waiting out the next Norther.about 6 years  agoShow

25º 48.39' N111º 15.414' WGalapagosAnchored in Honeymoon cove on Danzante island. Very clear water but a little cool yet. That didn’t stop us from snorkeling as soon as we dropped anchor though. We have bees but at a manageable level. They are heading home as the sun sets. over 5 years  agoShow

25º 48.846' N111º 18.678' WGalapagosHanging out in Puerto Escondido for a few days. We will stay in the Loreto area for a while. We have guests coming down to spend a week with us and we are looking forward to showing Amy and Reid the area.almost 7 years  agoShow

25º 48.846' N111º 18.678' WGalapagosBack in Puerto Escondido to pick up Amy and Reid for a week in the islands.almost 7 years  agoShow

25º 55.482' N111º 20.856' WGalapagosNot a great anchorage here at nopolo point but we’ve done it before. We stopped here to visit our friends Jon and Felicia Brooks. over 5 years  agoShow

25º 55.65' N111º 21.024' WGalapagosAnchored near Nopolo point to visit our friends Jon and Felicia at Loreto Bay. A rolly, cloudy and even rainy(!) night.about 6 years  agoShow

26º 1.062' N111º 9.87' WGalapagosAfter being pinned down at Bahia Salinas for three days with north winds to 40 knots, we are now enjoying a light breeze in Bahia Ballendra on the east side of Isla Carmen. almost 7 years  agoShow

26º 1.128' N111º 20.322' WGalapagosHanging out in Loretoover 6 years  agoShow

26º 21.486' N111º 25.308' WGalapagosover 6 years  agoShow

26º 21.906' N111º 25.848' WGalapagosDropped anchor in San Juanico at about 5:30 AM after crossing from bahia San Carlos. It was a pretty sweet crossing with 12 to 15 knots on the beam all the way. We had a 3/4 moon lighting our way for most of evening but it set about 40 minutes before we came I to the bay and so we anchored in the dark. Fortunately we have been here a few times before and had waypoints and tracks to show our past meanderings . We staged well outside of the usual Anchorage and away from other boats till this morning and we will find a spot a bit closer to shore for our final anchorage.
about 5 years  agoShow

26º 35.298' N113º 12.318' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

26º 40.656' N113º 16.308' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

26º 41.19' N113º 15.396' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

26º 42.516' N113º 34.02' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

26º 42.516' N113º 34.02' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

26º 42.528' N113º 34.038' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

26º 43.77' N111º 54.3' WGalapagosAnchored off of Playa Burro in Bahia Concepcion. We had good snorkeling here last year and hope to do so again. Melissa was viciously attacked by a sea horse in this area the last
time we were here.

The playa is lined with modest casas and palapas for RVs and the structures seem to be mere feet from the water at high tide.
over 5 years  agoShow

26º 44.052' N113º 32.448' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

26º 44.058' N113º 32.46' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

26º 45.3' N113º 18.102' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

26º 51.954' N111º 51.072' WGalapagosAnchored in Bahia San Sebastián for the night after crossing from San Carlos. Heading further into Bahia Concepcion to get out of the weather. about 6 years  agoShow

26º 51.99' N111º 50.85' WGalapagosSpent the night in the lee of pinta santa domingo here at the top of Bahia Concepcion. The water clarity is fantastic and we snorted around for a few hours yesterday. We will head further into the Bahia today in preparation for the norther due late Thursday. over 5 years  agoShow

26º 52.002' N111º 50.79' WGalapagosIn Bahia Santo Domingo, a bit south and east of Mulegé. over 6 years  agoShow

26º 52.014' N111º 51.036' WGalapagos2019-06-05 23:50:58 UTC: May have missed a few location posts due to bad coordinates. We are anchored in Santa Domingo, at the top of Bahia Concepcion. Our plans to find a bit of protection as we sailed north were cast aside by the uncertainty of the charts in this area. We had good southerly winds leaving the south part of San Juanico and so sailed past the Anchorage near El Pulpito. We carrie on with the main fully out, dead downwind till about 2230 when we had to motor the last 8 miles into the bay. Fortunately we have anchored here a few times before but there were quite a few boats here, which we found confusing. There are rarely more than one or two boats here.over 5 years  agoShow

26º 55.02' N114º 1.428' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

27º 2.082' N111º 56.91' WGalapagosUnderway this morning after spending the evening west of punta chivato. Melissa and the kids went ashore and explored the old abosndoned hotels there. Heading south o púlpito, about fifty miles away. We are making our way to good protection from a norther which is due in on Thursday evening. over 5 years  agoShow

27º 3.948' N111º 58.542' WGalapagosIn the south bight of Punta Chivato. Melissa needed cell service and this is still close enough to Mulege that we can grab a signal. This is a new place for us, the furthest north we've gone on the peninsula side of the sea. The big draw here is a beach full of shells. We we will be walking that beach this evening. We have a ten knot breeze blowing in from the east which is keeping the boat cool enough. We have learned to anchor out a bit from land and grab a breeze when one is presented. over 5 years  agoShow

27º 4.308' N114º 32.79' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

27º 8.592' N114º 17.058' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

27º 14.508' N112º 6.324' WGalapagosAnchored on the west aide of isla San Marcos. After a long overnight passage of mostly motoring from Bahia de Los Ángeles, it was nice to have a rest. We have cellular here which Jill and Andrew are much appreciative of and we all called loved ones while we were near the town of Santa Rosalia.over 5 years  agoShow

27º 14.514' N112º 6.348' WGalapagosAnchored on the northwest side of isla San Marcos. Lots of nice reefy looking areas nearby so we hope to enjoy some snorkeling in the morning. There is a gypsum mine one the south end of the island which produces a fair amount of dust. We are upwind of that and hopefully we will continue to have a northerly breeze all eveningover 5 years  agoShow

27º 16.59' N115º 35.928' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

27º 20.238' N112º 15.786' WGalapagosHunkered down at the marina in santa rosalia. We are having a good northern here and have chewed through one dockine. Tomorrow we go to the other side of the peninsula and for a whale watching trip. almost 5 years  agoShow

27º 20.244' N112º 15.822' WGalapagosWe found a slip at the marina fonatur in Santa Rosalia and will spend the night here before crossing to San Carlos early tomorrow morning. It is always hotter on land and the lack of a breeze is making this little town pretty uncomfortable. The little touring we’ve done so far encourages us to come back and spend more time here when the temperatures are more reasonable. This was a company town during the French colonial days and the architecture is unlike anything else on the Baja. Not too many places where you can visit a steel church designed by Gustave Eiffel that was shipped in pieces from Brussels. over 5 years  agoShow

27º 40.176' N116º 40.062' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

27º 56.91' N111º 3.15' WGalapagosWhile Galapagos is in the yard at marina San Carlos, Melissa and I are enjoying big beds and air conditioning at MarinaTerra hotel. over 6 years  agoShow

27º 57.066' N111º 5.556' WGalapagosMade our getaway from Bahia San Pedro around 6pm this evening and motored the ten miles to this little Anchorage just outside Marina Real. The short period waves were really annoying and alowe our progress for the first hour or so. As the south wind eased the longer period swell got more comfortable but we were losing daylight and the chartshere are not great. Navionics showed a fish pen where none existed but we found it a couple of mile further north and barely had time to miss going right through. Tomorrow we will go into the marina and get the boat ready for a a 6 six week stay while we go back to the U.S.over 5 years  agoShow

27º 57.216' N111º 2.58' WGalapagosSharing a house with the Brownlows of sv Sloooow Motionover 6 years  agoShow

28º 3.114' N111º 14.472' WGalapagosAnchored in Bahia San Pedro about eleven miles north of San Carlos Sonora. Our crossing from Santa Rosalia was reasonably fast, making the 75 plus miles with a bit of daylight on both ends. We had winds from the southeast most of the way and they built to the mid twenty knot range for a good part of the trip. With a reef in the main and a partially furled Genoa, we were making 6 knots but the angle put us a bit further north than we wanted. So this little cove gave us a chance to drop anchor before it got dark. Good thing too as some large, semi submerged object was directly in front of us as we prepared to drop anchor. It looks like a tree in the water but trees that size don't grow here.

The wind is still up and we have some swell. Should be a fun night.

over 5 years  agoShow

28º 3.288' N111º 14.352' WGalapagosAnchored in Bahia San Pedro about eleven miles north of San Carlos Sonora. The first day of our three week cruise with Jill and Andrew. A late start after checking out and waiting for for the sat phone service to kick in.

It is also the first sail with our new mainsail. The wind was perfect for playing with the new sail and we made 5 to 6 knots the whole way.

The Anchorage is a little bumpy but the breeze is keeping the boat cooler
over 5 years  agoShow

28º 16.194' N117º 39.048' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

28º 45.834' N20º 46.2' WGalapagosAnchored at the southern end of Isla tiburon near riscoa colorado. We had hoped to get a bit further north of our Anchorage at dogs bay. The current between tiburon and Esteban made for tough going. We should have a more favorable current and wind tomorrow for a trip to Isla partie.
over 5 years  agoShow

28º 46.92' N112º 16.074' WGalapagosCame last night around 1930 to this southern Anchorage on Isla tiburon. over 5 years  agoShow

28º 52.8' N118º 15.882' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

28º 53.232' N118º 16.212' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

28º 53.238' N118º 16.2' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

28º 53.46' N113º 2.556' WGalapagosAt Isla partida on the west side. That has turned into a lee shore and we now have uncomfortable wind waves. Not much sleep last night. Is should quiet down shortly and we can do some snorking and fishing.

The trip up from Isla tiburon had some mishaps. We snagged two birds with fishing lures hopefully both recovered from their trauma. Also had a raw water leak which required intervention and will need additional attention to totally repair.
over 5 years  agoShow

28º 53.46' N2º 33.474' WGalapagosAt Isla partida on the west side. That has turned into a lee shore and we now have uncomfortable wind waves. Not much sleep last night. Is should quiet down shortly and we can do some snorking and fishing.

The trip up from Isla tiburon had some mishaps. We snagged two birds with fishing lures hopefully both recovered from their trauma. Also had a raw water leak which required intervention and will need additional attention to totally repair.
over 5 years  agoShow

28º 53.958' N113º 22.602' WGalapagosIt was going to be rolly again on Isla partida, so after a few hours of snorkeling, we motored the 18 miles to bahia alacrāns. We got in after dark, not optimal but it was an easy approach. Jill and Andrew made pasta and sauce with a freshly caught trigger fish and anchovies.

I hope we all sleep better tonight.
over 5 years  agoShow

29º 39.588' N117º 57.036' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

30º 27.93' N117º 35.346' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

31º 16.89' N117º 8.25' WGalapagosalmost 7 years  agoShow

31º 49.902' N116º 38.184' WGalapagosabout 7 years  agoShow

31º 51.18' N116º 37.2' WGalapagosBoyte here: After a long night and a short morning, we cruised into Cruise Port Village marina in Ensenada, Baja Mexico. I now understand why they call it Cruise Port Village; to our west a ginormous cruise ship is tied to the quay, blotting out the.sun and making announcements for marimba lessons on the lido deck. I also think i could detect an increase in the thrum of the ship's engines. Perhaps the ship will leave tonight and we will have our sun back tomorrow. Being in Mexico aboard Galapagos is another "We did it!" moment. So much effort and intention has been directed to days like this in the past few years. I guess sailing to Mexico isn't as awe inspiring as landing on the moon but it feels like a big deal to me. about 7 years  agoShow

31º 51.3' N116º 37.35' WGalapagosabout 7 years  agoShow

31º 51.306' N116º 37.344' WGalapagosabout 7 years  agoShow

31º 51.306' N116º 37.344' WGalapagosabout 7 years  agoShow

32º 42.972' N117º 13.878' WGalapagosBoyte here: we are anchored in San Diego, in the Shelter Island Yacht Basin. We will hang out in San Diego for a week or so to enjoy the city and do a little last minute shopping before our entry into Mexico, just a few miles away. We also are planning our Thanksgiving festivities. We will be sharing the day with our friends Kevin and Cressie of s/v Blue. It will be interesting to see what culinary delights emerge from our galleys in the next few days.about 7 years  agoShow

33º 24.198' N118º 22.398' WGalapagosBoyte here: After a short sail down the northeast coast of Catalina island, we are now anchored in Button Shell beach. Just south of long point, the anchorage is giving protection from the west winds which are forecast to strengthen a bit tomorrow. It also looks to be an excellent area for snorkelling and Melissa is already in the water checking out the scene below. I'm going to try my hand at baking bread on our somewhat unpredictable propane stove.over 7 years  agoShow

33º 25.74' N118º 30.6' WGalapagosBoyte here: After bouncing around Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara Islands for a week, we are now anchored in Cat harbor on Catalina Island. It is fall and the weather, while warm has been windy with swells that must be reckoned with in most of the island anchorages. Around the Channel Islands, anchorages usually offer limited protection from one or two directions and it seems that we have had our share of rolly nights at anchor. But Cat Harbor is different. here we have excellent protection and just enough wave action to remind you are on a boat. The harbors and coves on Catalina Island are stuffed with mooring balls and the charge for using a mooring ball is far more than we are willing to pay. Fortunately, the island is all but deserted and finding a place to drop the hook out of the mooring fields shouldn't be too hard. Today, we went ashore and walked across the short isthmus to Two Harbors. Melissa quickly fell in to looking for interesting rocks on the pebble strewn beach. Later, a walk was taken and a beer was drunk at the resort's bar. over 7 years  agoShow

33º 28.098' N118º 31.44' WGalapagosBoyte here: Presently anchored in emerald cove on the north side of Catalina island. The weather is in the sixties with sullen clouds and even a little rain now and then. That isn't ideal snorkeling weather but we hope to hop in the water tomorrow regardless. The cove has garibaldi fish everywhere and lots of interesting rocky outcroppings that should provide good places to explore.over 7 years  agoShow

33º 36.33' N117º 55.182' WGalapagosBoyte Here: We have been in Newport Beach for three days now. We made a largish Amazon order and are picking up our goodies at an Amazon Locker on Tuesday. That has given us an opportunity to enjoy the area. We went to Minnies, a well known used sail and marine hardware store with Kevin Baerg from Blue and I picked up some fishing gear to round out my arsenal for fishing in Mexico. Today (Monday), we visited the original frozen banana stand on Balboa Island and had a cup of tap water. No, we did indeed enjoy a frozen banana. I even wore my Arrested Development inspired frozen banana shirt. There were actually two "Original" frozen banana shops on the same street, not 200 feet from one another. One of them is lying. While there are thousands of boats here and the waterways are quite busy, the vibe is relaxed and we have enjoyed seeing the beautiful homes and yachts from our little dinghy. When you live in a five million dollar house with near constant sunshine and 70 degree weather it's pretty easy to be chill.about 7 years  agoShow

33º 45.132' N118º 9.24' WGalapagosBoyte here: After two days anchored near Avalon harbor on Catalina island, we motored and sailed the twenty two miles to Long Beach on the mainland. What a difference twenty two miles makes. Even near the big city of Avalon (population, 3767) the islands were quiet, rugged and beautiful. Now we are anchored in the Lee of an artificial island built by oil companies in the 1960s to hide oil rigs. There are four of these islands off the shore from Long Beach, all named after astronauts that died during the early Apollo space missions. These islands seem to reinforce the stereotype of Los Angeles as a city that depends upon illusions of beauty. They are real islands but they have been manufactured to look like something they are not. Even the palm trees, upon closer inspection, are plastic imitations of the real thing. Truly, we are in La La Land.about 7 years  agoShow

33º 58.218' N119º 41.928' WGalapagosBoyte here: After a two beautiful days on San Miguel and one anxious day as the weather moved in, we headed out into 30 knots and big seas to find a more protected anchorage, The combined wind and swells were limiting our choices but we found relief by going on the south side of Santa Cruz Island/ Within a mile of so getting in the lee of the island, we were rewarded with gentle swells and a land breeze that allowed us to put out the head sail and poke along the rugged coast. Anchorages on these islands have taken some getting used to. They feel somewhat exposed and we find ourselves getting close in to enjoy their meager protection. But getting close in also means getting close to surf and waves crashing on rocks. And so it was here, at Albert's Anchorage. It is a beautiful spot and the holding was good but a southerly swell keeps the boat moving and the nearby surf makes for a noisy night. An hour or so after we were secured, the fishing boats began to crowd in to this small anchorage, validating our choice. We are happy to share an anchorage with the fishing boats; they always anchor well and at a respectable distance from us. By the time the evening was fully upon us, there were five boats of various sizes in what seemed an anchorage big enough for two boats. We all made it work and were all grateful for the protection from the big seas and wind on the other side the island.over 7 years  agoShow

34º 3.282' N120º 21.588' WGalapagosBoyte here: Anchored in Culyer Cove off San Miguel Island. This is one of the most beautiful anchorages we have ever visited. Beautiful clear water and a desert landscape leave us thinking we are already in the Sea of Cortez. The elephant seals are on a beautiful sandy beach, the males bellowing and jousting. So far, just the younger males and females are here but they are impressive nonetheless. over 7 years  agoShow

34º 10.422' N119º 13.41' WGalapagosBoyte Here: After a night at Albert's Anchorage on Santa Cruz, We headed further east along the south coast of the island. The weather was still not in our favor; winds with gusts in the thirties and the swells were only getting bigger. It felt like we were being shooed away from the Channel Islands and we had only really visited San Miguel. After taking a pass on anchoring in Smuggler's Cove, we continued on to Anacapa Island and again found no suitable spot for the conditions we were in and knew would only get worse. So, the decision was made to head to the mainland and take a berth in the Channel Islands Marina complex. It was a fast, boisterous passage across the Santa Barbara Channel and the growing seas validated our decision that a marina would be a very comfortable alternative to an island anchorage. Plus, I wanted to change the oil on the engine and address, once again, an issue with the roller furler. Being the cheapskates we are, tucking into a marina is no small decision. Despite the high cost here ( $1.35 a foot) we are happy to have a dock to work from and nearby access to a West Marine and a grocery store. It has been a month since our last marina stay and we have enjoyed visiting with our dock mates. We hope to head back out to the islands after the weather abates. This weather system seems particularly long lived though and we are having to practice patience. It helps to remind ourselves that we are two very lucky people with a schedule cast in fine San Miguel sand. The weather will improve and we will return to the islands.over 7 years  agoShow

34º 24.72' N119º 40.938' WGalapagosMichael here: Presently anchored off the beach in Santa Barbara. Our plan to sail directly to Culyer harbor on San Miguel island was thwarted by a weather forecast that had three days of high winds. Culyer harbor offers some protection from Northwest winds but swells can wrap around the point, making for a rolly anchorage. So, we will sit tight in Santa Barbara for a few days till this weather system dies off and then head over to the channel islands from here. I can think of worse places to be stranded. It is warm with a light breeze from the south west. We have been cleaning the boat, inside and out. After our stay in Morro Bay every surface on the deck was covered in a layer of fine sand.over 7 years  agoShow

35º 22.158' N120º 51.498' WGalapagosMichael Here: Presently anchored in Morro Bay. The 22 mile trip from San Simeon had some good sailing; the swells have gone down a bit but the northwesterly winds continue to push us along. Entering the Morro Bay breakwater was a bit more exciting than usual. An ebb current with a the northwesterly wind made for some steep, breaking seas and the 23 ton Galapagos surfed along at over nine knots on occasion. We arrived in Morro Bay on the weekend of the Harbor Festival. Lots of music, food and booths hawking their wares. We will be a few days enjoying the weather and the absence of swells in our anchorageover 7 years  agoShow

35º 38.298' N121º 11.34' WGalapagosMichael here. We are anchored in San Simeon Cove after along day of motoring from Pebble Beach. While we do not prefer to enter an anchorage at night, we did so with no drama and under the light of a beautiful full moon. over 7 years  agoShow

36º 33.768' N121º 56.898' WGalapagosThe weather along the coast is looking quite blustery for the next few days and our anchorage in Monterey, while convenient, offered no protection from Northwest wind and swells. In fact, Thursday evening, with only moderate winds was really uncomfortable. So, we upped anchor and headed around the point to Pebble Beach and Stillwater Cove. It is a beautiful anchorage with a chance to see how the other .00001% live. The harbor master came out to chat with us and offer advice on our current ancorage, on the Pebble Beach side and to recommend the Stillwater cove tomorrow, when they pull the Mooring balls up for the season.over 7 years  agoShow

36º 36.204' N121º 53.196' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

36º 57.546' N122º 0.972' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

37º 28.266' N122º 29.106' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

37º 29.928' N122º 29.172' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

37º 48.6' N122º 25.506' WGalapagosThis little man made bay is called the aquatic cove and it is part of the larger aquatic park, only non motorised vessel may anchor here, with a permit, for up to five days. They do allow sailboats to use their auxiliary engine to come in which is a good thing since the entrance is narrow and the wind and waves outside were stout. We are here for five days and hope to explore the city from here. As an anchorage it is quite protected and it is used by a number of people in small craft. Interestingly, there are quite a few swimmers in the water, some in wet suits some not, swimming laps around this half mile wide lagoon. These Bay area water rats are a hardy bunch.over 7 years  agoShow

37º 51.684' N122º 28.668' WGalapagosWith the weather looking mildly cooperative, i.e. a little less fog, we proceeded under the bridge from Balinas Bay to Sausalito. Seeing the Golden Gate Bridge was an emotional moment for us; all of our time and treasure has led us to this place and the view did not disappoint. Since we had been outside the gate for the last two days recovering from our passage, i thought the bay weather and scenery would be similar. I was very wrong about that. As we approached the bridge we could see sunshine and seemingly hundreds of sailboat flying all over th bay. There were ferries and yachts and every other manner of vessel going hither and yon in beautiful sunshine. I felt like Dorthy waking up in Oz. The weather inside was dramatically different from Drakes Bay. And very much for the better. We headed straight for Sausalito because that is the only place we really knew to anchor. It is a fine anchorage if a little rolly from boat traffic. Tomorrow we will go ashore and explore our first exotic landfall.over 7 years  agoShow

37º 52.266' N122º 25.578' WGalapagosAfter a night in Sausalito in which the wind picked up considerably, forcing us to man the helm and motor away from a nearby boat, we decided that perhaps Angel Island would afford more comfort and protection. Eventually there was more protection but not much in the way of comfort. I don't know if the wind blows like this all the time, but I have been impressed with its strength. The fact that we see smallish boats and big racing cats out all the time leads me to suspect that this is just normal weather. At any rate, we got a little protection in China Cove from the westerly as the evening wore on. But there were unusual thunder and lightning storms in the area which prompted us to unplug all our electronics. The downside to this anchorage was the nearconstant parade of fast foot ferries, galloping from San Francisco to smaller cities north and east. They only let up after ten which gave some relief but come morning, we were rocking and rolling again. On Tuesday morning, we rowed to shore and visited the Angel Island immigration center and Fort McDowell. The immigration center in particular was interesting and touching. Many Chinese and Japanese immigrants passed through the center in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the stories of of success in spite of rampant xenophobia and racism were heartening.over 7 years  agoShow

37º 53.904' N122º 40.746' WGalapagosMoved to Balinas bay in the hopes of finding some sweet, sweet cell service. The anchorage is a bit rolly but we can watch cat videos. over 7 years  agoShow

37º 53.916' N122º 40.764' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

37º 59.862' N122º 26.574' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

37º 59.862' N122º 26.568' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

37º 59.862' N122º 58.26' WGalapagosAfter almost six days at sea, we dropped anchor in Drakes Bay at about 10:30 am. After a respectful wait to ensure our anchor was secure, showers were taken followed quickly by collapsing into bed. Michael slept, Melissa could not. It takes a while to get back into a normal rhythm. over 7 years  agoShow

37º 59.886' N122º 58.26' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

38º 2.16' N121º 52.95' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

38º 2.16' N121º 52.944' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

38º 3.678' N122º 11.466' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

38º 4.722' N123º 8.46' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

38º 52.638' N123º 53.592' WGalapagosWe had good wind but from the wrong direction. Nevertheless, we sailed towards the point Arenas light house if only to see land for a while. Eventually we will have to motor south to make any kind of time to a reliable anchorage. Drake bay is looking good right now.over 7 years  agoShow

39º 27.102' N124º 12.306' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

40º 26.904' N124º 42.522' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

40º 56.28' N125º 0.786' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

41º 50.7' N124º 38.466' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

42º 49.032' N125º 21.324' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

44º 0.594' N125º 7.956' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

44º 55.59' N126º 5.1' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

46º 9.318' N125º 51.666' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

47º 9.246' N122º 32.316' WGalapagosBack in Lakewoodover 6 years  agoShow

47º 13.092' N126º 17.958' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

47º 13.248' N126º 16.848' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

47º 23.946' N122º 45.498' WGalapagosover 6 years  agoShow

48º 0.444' N125º 20.028' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 9.672' N123º 43.302' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 9.672' N123º 43.314' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 32.166' N123º 0.618' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 32.484' N123º 0.924' WGalapagosBack in Friday harbor for one last mail run, fuel and water. We should be heading to neah bay on Wednesday. over 7 years  agoShow

48º 32.502' N123º 0.93' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 38.49' N123º 20.538' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 40.368' N123º 11.592' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 40.434' N123º 12.0' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 43.008' N123º 22.14' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 43.008' N123º 22.164' WGalapagosover 7 years  agoShow

48º 47.838' N123º 5.454' WGalapagos48° 47.8353′ N,123° 5.4539′ Wover 7 years  agoShow

New Waypoint