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LatLonBoat nameNoteCreated at
22º 21.09' N114º 15.072' EEternautBack in the marina after a two nights at anchor and an interesting sail in force 6 to 7, in gusts force 8 wind.
Wave height “only" 3 meters, still protected due to land mass in the north
almost 2 years  agoShow

22º 21.09' N114º 15.072' EEternautStill evaluating the option of future position reports and blog updates. Will it work by email through our chosen satellite communication provider?
almost 2 years  agoShow

22º 21.042' N114º 20.028' EEternautFirst time at anchor since a loooong time. All systems and anchor setup require a good testing about 2 years  agoShow

22º 17.064' N114º 1.05' EEternautWe are still in Hong Kong cleaning up the mess the shipyard has left behind about 2 years  agoShow

22º 14.7' N114º 9.198' EEternautAfter 5 years and 7 months construction time the boat has finally been finished. Currently at a temporary berth awaiting license approval and final installation of electric and electronic components. almost 3 years  agoShow

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