56º 25.842' N | 5º 14.01' W | Escape Velocity | Land cruising | over 2 years ago | Show
6º 16.326' N | 99º 43.908' E | Escape Velocity | Anchored off Cenang Beach for New Year’s Eve. It’s a far cry from Farm Cove in Sydney, fewer boats, louder music, and surrounded by squid boats with very bright green lights. Midnight will tell the tale — if we make it all the way — of whether the Chinese lanterns can compete with Sydney’s legendary fireworks. | about 6 years ago | Show
6º 18.792' N | 99º 50.73' E | Escape Velocity | Langkawi is gorgeous, maybe not this anchorage but we have business to attend to so we’ll stay here for a bit. | about 6 years ago | Show
6º 10.578' N | 99º 48.102' E | Escape Velocity | Hook down in a deserted bay just before dark and before the rain. It’s been a long day. | about 6 years ago | Show
5º 16.392' N | 100º 11.562' E | Escape Velocity | Long day, squalls, engine fuel filter change, adverse current. Good anchorage, though. Very peaceful so far. | about 6 years ago | Show
4º 25.212' N | 100º 34.668' E | Escape Velocity | Comfy overnight but SO hard to get through all the fishing nets in the morning! | about 6 years ago | Show
4º 12.666' N | 100º 35.646' E | Escape Velocity | Fairly painless overnight to Pangkor. Not a great anchorage and no room in the marina so not as fab as Port Dickson. Squalls on the way, happy hour at 4pm. | over 6 years ago | Show
2º 28.572' N | 101º 50.754' E | Escape Velocity | We’re tied up safely at a small marina after a crazy night when a violent squall ripped through the anchorage at Melaka. All the boats dragged. Most chose to move on. We reanchored and spent the rest of the night waiting for the seas to subside and for sunrise. Whew! | over 6 years ago | Show
2º 10.932' N | 102º 14.268' E | Escape Velocity | We are anchored in the historic port of Melaka/Malacca, a UNESCO World Heritage site. We’re looking forward to exploring! (And ice cream.) | over 6 years ago | Show
2º 7.368' N | 102º 19.584' E | Escape Velocity | Whew! Long day! Seventy plus miles, only possible because of a favorable current. Anchored behind Besar Island with a robust muezzin ashore and a frequent wake from a speedboat. Can we sleep through this? | over 6 years ago | Show
1º 27.702' N | 103º 15.774' E | Escape Velocity | Light headwinds, countercurrents, burning too much fossil fuel. Yep, we’re in the Malacca Strait. Today begins our northward slog toward Thailand. | over 6 years ago | Show
1º 25.08' N | 103º 39.462' E | Escape Velocity | New country! We’re now in Malaysia for a while, enjoying new people, signs in English, and looking forward to moving more north for cooler weather. | over 6 years ago | Show
1º 11.766' N | 104º 5.79' E | Escape Velocity | We’re tied up at a marina for the first time since Cairns. It feels weird, but tomorrow we take the ferry to Singapore for a couple of days of culture shock. I’m ready! | over 6 years ago | Show
0º 28.116' N | 104º 26.79' E | Escape Velocity | We are well into the Northern Hemisphere now. No need for fleece or socks yet but I do feel right side up for the first time in 3-1/2 years. | over 6 years ago | Show
0º 0.264' N | 104º 29.94' E | Escape Velocity | We’re at the equator! Luckily it’s overcast and a bit spritzy so not so damn hot. There’s a monument ashore that we’ll try to get to, along with the new shellbacks on Henrietta, anchored nearby. | over 6 years ago | Show
0º 19.17' S | 104º 28.05' E | Escape Velocity | A not too bad day of motorsailing but now we’re in a wretched anchorage, one of the few remaining rally stops. Too deep, too much current, besieged by little kids in canoes wanting handouts. All we want is to top up the phone/internet and buy some fresh fruit and veg and we’re outta here. The struggle is real. | over 6 years ago | Show
1º 9.252' S | 105º 17.97' E | Escape Velocity | We’re avoiding nighttime travel as much as we can because of the many fishing boats, nets, FADs and platforms that require our constant attention. So it’s short day hops, and sadly mostly motoring in no wind. Too much fossil fuel, too loud, too slow. But that’s life in the slow lane. | over 6 years ago | Show
1º 30.594' S | 105º 52.782' E | Escape Velocity | We bailed out of the official rally stop anchorage after a beastly rolly night. No one was interested in launching their dinghies and landing, as one cruiser said, like Normandy or Gallipoli without the bullets. No thanks. We up-anchored and hightailed it 35 miles north to a nice calm, although empty, bay, along with 7 other boats, the Runaway Fleet. We’ll miss the official rally activities but at least we won’t have to swim ashore through the surf. | over 6 years ago | Show
1º 53.136' S | 106º 10.5' E | Escape Velocity | Very rolly anchorage, but an official rally stop. Not many boats have launched their dinghies, and we’re reluctant to do so too. | over 6 years ago | Show
2º 24.39' S | 107º 4.254' E | Escape Velocity | Very nice overnight stop to avoid sailing in the dark through masses of squid boats. | over 6 years ago | Show
2º 33.264' S | 107º 40.668' E | Escape Velocity | Sad goodbye to Borneo but here we are now on the island of Belitung. Hook down just before the sun. We’ll explore tomorrow. | over 6 years ago | Show
2º 44.424' S | 111º 43.65' E | Escape Velocity | Borneo! | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 9.582' S | 115º 1.524' E | Escape Velocity | Bali! Nothing more to say. | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 21.6' S | 116º 7.812' E | Escape Velocity | Ahhhhhh. Finally a peaceful night at anchor and no early start tomorrow. Looking forward to sleeping in for a change. | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 18.114' S | 116º 40.098' E | Escape Velocity | What a wild ride across the strait to Lombok! Now safely anchored with 10 other boats watching the sun disappear behind the tall mountains of Lombok. Tomorrow one last slog to the official rally stop on the other side of Lombok. | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 8.436' S | 117º 46.032' E | Escape Velocity | Fantastic sailing for half the day, then frustrating motorsailing for the other half. Now anchored in a quiet bay with just a little swell rolling in. Ever westward we go. | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 17.622' S | 118º 55.914' E | Escape Velocity | Short day but motoring. This begins the slog to Lombok. | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 26.844' S | 119º 27.024' E | Escape Velocity | After visiting the Komodo Park and seeing dragons, monkeys, deer and buffalo, we sailed about 29 miles to this deserted anchorage surrounded by steep brown hills and empty beaches. Nice.
| over 6 years ago | Show
8º 30.978' S | 119º 52.068' E | Escape Velocity | Bright lights, big city. Pizza! Ice cream! | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 22.038' S | 120º 0.954' E | Escape Velocity | We’re all alone anchored off Gili Bodo island watching monkeys forage on the beach. Too far away for photos and no long lenses, but fun to watch as the sun goes down. Tomorrow it’s the big city, Labuan Bajo. | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 17.526' S | 120º 35.646' E | Escape Velocity | Another no wind day brought us to Lingeh Bay for a quick overnight. The weather is sunny and hot but we’re tired of motoring. | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 23.49' S | 121º 0.108' E | Escape Velocity | This anchorage promised abundant wildlife but we didn’t see any. Still, it’s a beautiful and sheltered place to spend a night. Westward, ho! | over 6 years ago | Show
8º 27.63' S | 121º 56.64' E | Escape Velocity | After a passage that was mostly perfect sailing but ended up with hours of motoring when the wind died, we arrived at Flores island in a quiet overnight anchorage just as the sun faded. We’ll continue west tomorrow maybe. | over 6 years ago | Show
5º 31.218' S | 122º 50.79' E | Escape Velocity | We’ve arrived at Pasarwajo on the island of Buton, where there is supposed to be traditional dancing in a few days. We picked up a mooring and we’re enjoying a fruit smoothie in the cockpit under sunny skies and a cool breeze. | over 6 years ago | Show
5º 19.728' S | 123º 32.082' E | Escape Velocity | Arrived at Wangi Wangi in time for my birthday. Very enthusiastic muezzin greeting the day — at 4:10am. | over 6 years ago | Show
3º 42.762' S | 126º 23.946' E | Escape Velocity | We’ve arrived at a tiny anchorage where 22 boats are already well positioned. We shoehorned EV at the front of the pack with the best view, but ashore the ubiquitous distorted speakers are blasting pop music that echoes off the high surrounding mountains. Sleep? What’s that? | over 6 years ago | Show
4º 31.464' S | 129º 53.622' E | Escape Velocity | We’ve arrived at the top spot on Jack’s bucket list, the legendary Spice Islands in the Banda Sea. | over 6 years ago | Show
5º 44.892' S | 132º 40.872' E | Escape Velocity | Dropped anchor just after 5pm. Had to wait until the next day for biosecurity, customs and immigration. We’re finally legal and free to move about. Now we need local currency and fruit! | over 6 years ago | Show
9º 28.728' S | 135º 35.892' E | Escape Velocity | Day four with a couple more days to go. Another nice day but difficult to make our intended course because of seastate. Can’t complain, though. | over 6 years ago | Show
10º 35.67' S | 142º 14.52' E | Escape Velocity | We have rounded Cape York and reached Thursday Island. Well, Horn Island, actually, which has a better anchorage. There are lots of boats here that we know, and most are joining one of the Indo rallies. More adventures await! | over 6 years ago | Show
10º 58.116' S | 142º 40.71' E | Escape Velocity | Today was our last long push before rounding Cape York. It was a miserable day, many squalls with high winds and rain, big seas and a long way to go which made us stress about arriving by dark. To top it off we had to cross a river bar with the wind and seas across the beam. We’re anchored now in Escape River (a fitting place for us) and here we’ll stay until the forces of nature sit down and shut up. | over 6 years ago | Show
11º 53.58' S | 143º 4.782' E | Escape Velocity | After a pretty good day of sailing the wind piped up just as we anchored and now we’re rocking and rolling but secure for the night, and maybe tomorrow too. The northward slog continues but we’re gaining on it. | over 6 years ago | Show
12º 35.562' S | 143º 24.51' E | Escape Velocity | Another slog northward with barely enough wind to keep moving, but the day was entertaining as we sailed in company with two beautiful Oysters on their Round the World rally.
| over 6 years ago | Show
13º 29.544' S | 143º 43.266' E | Escape Velocity | A long virtually windless day until 11 miles to our destination when wham! 20 kts from a bizarre direction. Good thing we left the decorative sails up even when our wind dropped to 2 kts earlier. So we flew into Morris Island, a spit so small it hardly warrants the name. But miraculously it’s calm here, even with the wind. Tomorrow’s another long one. We’re racing bad weather and a calendar deadline. Two big no-no’s in sailing. | over 6 years ago | Show
14º 10.626' S | 144º 13.806' E | Escape Velocity | A little of this, a little of that. Beautiful sailing for half the day, hand steering in strong wind and steep chop for the other half. Now snug at anchor, small breakage fixed, dinner in the oven, wine in hand. Just need some internet and world news and we’d be perfect. Ah well, you can’t have everything. The sun’s about to set on one of our few remaining days in Oz. Bittersweet. | over 6 years ago | Show
14º 20.796' S | 144º 35.814' E | Escape Velocity | Crappy day, windy, rainy, choppy seas. And now a rolly anchorage to boot. Thanks, Australia.
| over 6 years ago | Show
15º 27.582' S | 145º 15.0' E | Escape Velocity | Cooktown! It’s pretty exciting to be in the same place as the great navigator and we marvel at his accomplishments. It’s a tight and shallow anchorage but we hope to spend a few days here enjoying our last outpost in Australia. | over 6 years ago | Show
15º 43.824' S | 145º 27.366' E | Escape Velocity | Surisingly comfortable park mooring in strong winds with no visible protection but sheltered from the swell. Squally morning delayed our departure. | over 6 years ago | Show
16º 22.854' S | 145º 33.786' E | Escape Velocity | It’s the winter solstice and we’re continuing our journey to the top of Australia. Lovely anchorage at the Low Isles after a nice sail. It’s a little rolly but comfortable enough for an overnight. Tomorrow we forge ahead. | over 6 years ago | Show
16º 55.134' S | 145º 46.86' E | Escape Velocity | Cairns! Big milestone, even though there’s still a long way to go. We have a lot of work to do, but it’s nice to be in a town with restaurants, bars, shops, markets. Woo-hoo! | over 6 years ago | Show
16º 55.95' S | 145º 59.07' E | Escape Velocity | We’re at Fitzroy Island, just around the corner from Cairns, finally! What an absolute slog this has been. Today we had a beautiful sail for all of 45 minutes, then no useable wind for the rest of the day. All afternoon we had less than 2 kts. Unbelievable. I had all the fuel burning and engine hours. | over 6 years ago | Show
17º 55.968' S | 146º 8.244' E | Escape Velocity | We fully intended to go overnight but the wind was up and down, sails up and down, then the unending thrum of the engine, feh. We bailed and came to Dunk Island for an overnight rest and the hope for wind tomorrow, although it doesn’t look good. | over 6 years ago | Show
18º 35.766' S | 146º 29.232' E | Escape Velocity | Frustrating day. Wind up and down, seas up and down. Last few hours perfect, though, and we picked up a park mooring at Orpheus Island. Too cold to snorkel or kayak. Why is it so cold?? | almost 7 years ago | Show
19º 7.176' S | 146º 51.756' E | Escape Velocity | Magnetic Island! Finally, we made it to one of our anticipated destinations. Good sailing the past few days, although last night’s anchorage turned out to be a rolly mess. I’m hoping for a good night’s sleep tonight. | almost 7 years ago | Show
19º 18.342' S | 147º 22.788' E | Escape Velocity | Had about three hours of glorious sailing, then the wind completely disappeared and it was back to motoring again. Feh. Inch by inch. | almost 7 years ago | Show
19º 43.71' S | 147º 45.324' E | Escape Velocity | Quickie overnight stop on the way to Magnetic Island. | almost 7 years ago | Show
20º 4.11' S | 148º 26.214' E | Escape Velocity | Another no wind day but we don’t have the luxury to wait for wind. Did a slow motor to Gloucester Pt., hoping for better wind tomorrow, though it doesn’t look likely. Beautiful sunny day! | almost 7 years ago | Show
20º 15.594' S | 148º 42.936' E | Escape Velocity | Came to Airlie Beach to pick up mail. Did a little more provisioning. Now we’re ready to make tracks for the far north. | almost 7 years ago | Show
20º 30.258' S | 149º 2.91' E | Escape Velocity | Beautiful downwind sail to the Whitsundays. Now we’re tucked in to a sheltered bay for predicted 30kt wind overnight but it’s hard to imagine it coming, peaceful as it is at the moment. The sun is sinking toward the horizon, we’ve got cold beer and Jack’s about to blow the trumpet shell to mark the end of a lovely day. Wish you were here. | almost 7 years ago | Show
21º 6.864' S | 149º 13.482' E | Escape Velocity | Took refuge at Mackay Marina for a few days. Doing small boat chores, cooking up passage food for the freezer. Not a moment to waste, but good grief, Queensland, give us some better weather! | almost 7 years ago | Show
21º 29.514' S | 149º 54.792' E | Escape Velocity | Amazing anchorage. Didn’t look like much on the chart but a nice refuge from the washing machine seas. | almost 7 years ago | Show
21º 39.186' S | 150º 14.628' E | Escape Velocity | The famous Middle Percy. Way too rolly for us, but did manage to get ashore briefly and bought some honey at the A-frame. | almost 7 years ago | Show
22º 0.816' S | 150º 21.834' E | Escape Velocity | Didn’t quite make Middle Percy. Took refuge here overnight. | almost 7 years ago | Show
23º 49.962' S | 151º 14.712' E | Escape Velocity | Provisioning stop before the Whitsundays and beyond. | almost 7 years ago | Show
27º 52.26' S | 153º 20.148' E | Escape Velocity | Waiting for diesel mechanic and hoping for easy fixes. | almost 7 years ago | Show
33º 50.658' S | 151º 7.512' E | Escape Velocity | Up the Parramatta River to another world. The Sydney waterways seem never ending! | about 7 years ago | Show
30º 18.27' S | 153º 8.628' E | Escape Velocity | Almost a homecoming. Picked up a mooring in Coffs Harbour after a pleasant sail from Southport, except we lost our wind about 20 miles out and had to motor sail the rest of the way. We may be stuck here for a while waiting for win to take us south. | over 7 years ago | Show
27º 30.72' S | 153º 16.62' E | Escape Velocity | Dropped the hook in shallow but clean Raby Bay, cooking up a last minute T-Day dinner for two with what’s on board. | over 7 years ago | Show
27º 30.252' S | 153º 21.78' E | Escape Velocity | We finally tossed off the docklines and are now anchored at Peel Island. Lovely! | over 7 years ago | Show
26º 41.388' S | 153º 6.858' E | Escape Velocity | It wasn't fun; it wasn't pretty, but we made it over the Wide Bay Bar and back to Mooloolaba. Hello fresh fruit and ice cream! Goodbye sunny weather. :( | over 7 years ago | Show
25º 37.758' S | 152º 58.38' E | Escape Velocity | Timed the Great Sandy Straits perfectly and never had less than 8 ft. below the keel. Took a long time to get settled in Garry's anchorage because of 20+kt winds and too many boats. We're good now, but a nearby power cat had to reanchor when the tide went out and ended up snagging the ground tackle of a little sailboat behind him. Wind came up, boats collided, much consternation and untangling in the dark. We'll probably be here for a days as we wait for the wind to die down and the seas outside the Wide Bay Bar to settle before we can make our next move. It'll be our last opportunity to hike a little more of Fraser Island until next fall. | over 7 years ago | Show
25º 14.058' S | 153º 0.126' E | Escape Velocity | Moved again to get out of wind driven chop. Goodbye whales! *sniff* | over 7 years ago | Show
25º 6.66' S | 153º 7.38' E | Escape Velocity | Slowly poking down Hervey Bay, dodging whales the whole way. We're seeing 20-30 whales a day, I think. | over 7 years ago | Show
24º 45.432' S | 152º 23.748' E | Escape Velocity | Got the hook down just before dark in 20+ kts of blustery, choppy conditions after a frustrating day of much less wind than predicted. Why is it always too much or too little? | over 7 years ago | Show
23º 9.588' S | 150º 57.288' E | Escape Velocity | Great Keppel Island, calm and peaceful after a long motor run. Time to relax. It's not much further north, but noticeably warmer and we like that! | over 7 years ago | Show
23º 46.11' S | 151º 18.948' E | Escape Velocity | Staged to go outside en route to the Keppels tomorrow. | over 7 years ago | Show
24º 1.488' S | 151º 44.508' E | Escape Velocity | Beautiful, calm Pancake Creek. When we arrived there were only a few boats here. By nightfall more than 25. But still quiet and peaceful. | over 7 years ago | Show
24º 10.452' S | 151º 52.944' E | Escape Velocity | Dicey entrance into 1770 and anchoring three times but we think we're settled now. It's a little more blowy than we like and not magical like Lady Musgrave but there might be fruit ashore and someplace to dispose of our trash so it's all good. | over 7 years ago | Show
23º 54.138' S | 152º 24.18' E | Escape Velocity | We're at gorgeous Lady Musgrave Island and off the grid for the time being. You can reach us through our Delorme link is you want. We're enjoying meeting up with other cruisers, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Life is good. | over 7 years ago | Show
25º 17.772' S | 152º 54.906' E | Escape Velocity | Reprovisioning, laundry and waiting out some weather before the next push north. We're in T-shirts finally! | over 7 years ago | Show
25º 24.618' S | 153º 0.438' E | Escape Velocity | Inching our way northward in glorious sunny weather. | over 7 years ago | Show
25º 37.716' S | 152º 58.398' E | Escape Velocity | Made it over the Wide Bay Bar in settled conditions and we're happily in a calm, quiet anchorage at another World Heritage Site, Fraser Island. Looking forward to some exploring tomorrow. | over 7 years ago | Show
25º 56.55' S | 153º 9.84' E | Escape Velocity | Another crappy day of less wind than predicted plus rain squalls. Harrumph. | over 7 years ago | Show
26º 41.244' S | 153º 7.23' E | Escape Velocity | We meant to go further today but after an exhausting sleepless night we took shelter in calm Mooloolaba. We may stay a few days to catch up on sleep and stretch our legs. | over 7 years ago | Show
27º 10.08' S | 153º 22.194' E | Escape Velocity | Absolutely the worst overnight at anchor we ever spent. It recalled our wretched passage to Tonga in violent boat motion. Neither of us got any sleep. | over 7 years ago | Show
27º 26.754' S | 153º 5.754' E | Escape Velocity | Out of the marina but too late to catch the outgoing tide so anchored in the river. | over 7 years ago | Show
27º 26.7' S | 153º 6.414' E | Escape Velocity | Rivergate Marina for a new propeller and engine work. Nice folks but NO BAR! | over 7 years ago | Show
27º 28.62' S | 153º 1.962' E | Escape Velocity | Made it to Brisbane but with engine issues. Still, we're going to enjoy a little city life before continuing our journey north. | over 7 years ago | Show
27º 35.292' S | 153º 21.168' E | Escape Velocity | We're tucked up against Macleay Island after a sometimes tense motor through the narrow and often shallow channels of the Broadwater. We kissed the bottom twice, got walked by weekend powerboaters about 100 times but the sun is shining and we're just around the corner from a shopping Mecca. Life is good. | over 7 years ago | Show
27º 55.878' S | 153º 24.888' E | Escape Velocity | Safely over the bar at the Southport Seaway, now anchored behind Wavebreak Island for a nice long sleep. | over 7 years ago | Show
29º 24.804' S | 153º 21.072' E | Escape Velocity | We made it to Iluka and had an uneventful bar crossing. We're now quietly anchored in the town basin and we'll wait out the predicted high winds and seas before making the final run to Southport Seaway and the inside passage to Brisbane. | almost 8 years ago | Show
30º 18.246' S | 153º 8.61' E | Escape Velocity | Back to Coffs Harbour where our Aussie adventure began. From here on it'll be virgin territory. Alert the authorities. | almost 8 years ago | Show
30º 52.794' S | 153º 3.702' E | Escape Velocity | Once again the wind abandoned us so instead of motoring for hours we dropped the hook in Trial Bay for a quiet overnight. Saw some whale blows but far off. | almost 8 years ago | Show
31º 25.536' S | 152º 54.45' E | Escape Velocity | Safely over the bar to Port Macquarie. | almost 8 years ago | Show
31º 39.066' S | 152º 48.084' E | Escape Velocity | | almost 8 years ago | Show
32º 10.668' S | 152º 30.138' E | Escape Velocity | | almost 8 years ago | Show
32º 42.978' S | 152º 10.26' E | Escape Velocity | | almost 8 years ago | Show
33º 5.154' S | 151º 38.61' E | Escape Velocity | | almost 8 years ago | Show
33º 34.926' S | 151º 19.434' E | Escape Velocity | | almost 8 years ago | Show
33º 39.354' S | 151º 18.108' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 36.03' S | 151º 14.958' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 35.994' S | 151º 17.868' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 51.804' S | 151º 16.038' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 47.694' S | 151º 13.422' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 46.644' S | 151º 13.902' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 52.272' S | 151º 11.172' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 51.546' S | 151º 13.176' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 50.88' S | 151º 14.574' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 52.356' S | 151º 11.202' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
23º 48.114' S | 161º 52.704' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
23º 4.578' S | 163º 43.986' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
22º 16.668' S | 166º 26.112' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
22º 21.408' S | 166º 50.508' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 39.606' S | 151º 18.372' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
33º 34.914' S | 151º 19.248' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
30º 45.624' S | 153º 10.476' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
31º 27.474' S | 153º 4.2' E | Escape Velocity | | about 8 years ago | Show
30º 18.39' S | 153º 8.604' E | Escape Velocity | | over 8 years ago | Show
28º 54.984' S | 155º 15.39' E | Escape Velocity | | over 8 years ago | Show
28º 24.498' S | 156º 0.054' E | Escape Velocity | | over 8 years ago | Show
26º 3.264' S | 157º 56.766' E | Escape Velocity | | over 8 years ago | Show
20º 42.78' S | 167º 37.71' E | Escape Velocity | Great sail overnight, now wind dropped again so motoring. Inch by inch, runny French cheeses await ...
| over 8 years ago | Show
19º 17.838' S | 167º 53.16' E | Escape Velocity | Motorsailing in very light wind on the nose. Slow going but a beautiful sunny day.
| over 8 years ago | Show
18º 44.586' S | 169º 12.396' E | Escape Velocity | Unplanned overnight stop because the wind died and we didn't feel like motoring for 18 hours. Wish we could explore this village but Port Vila calls us. | over 8 years ago | Show
19º 31.554' S | 169º 29.616' E | Escape Velocity | Excited to be in Tanna to visit Mt. Yasur, a live volcano. Major bucket list destination. | over 8 years ago | Show
20º 14.256' S | 169º 46.734' E | Escape Velocity | Arrived Aneityum after midnight but moonlight and satellite photos guided us in. Happy to have the hook down. | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 44.586' S | 168º 18.546' E | Escape Velocity | Looking forward to enjoying a bit of city life in Port Vila. | over 8 years ago | Show
18º 48.642' S | 174º 9.648' E | Escape Velocity | Light wind predicted but mostly steady trades so far. Seas as usual, lumpy but not too big. Sure is empty out here. All is well onboard.
| over 8 years ago | Show
17º 37.65' S | 177º 20.358' E | Escape Velocity | Nice downwind sail for a couple of hours to Saweni Bay to get out of the swell and relax for a few days. And guess what we found here -- another Manta! You meet the nicest people.... | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 45.444' S | 177º 23.286' E | Escape Velocity | Back in civilization to prepare for our next destination. Gotta get diesel, gas, propane, currency, food. Oh, and indulge in breakfast ashore and happy hour discount beer. Priorities. | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 46.2' S | 177º 11.268' E | Escape Velocity | Musket Cove, the legendary yacht club. Fun in the sun with good friends. It's chill out time! | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 19.554' S | 177º 7.932' E | Escape Velocity | At Wayasewa Island. Did sevusevu with Rehua, beautiful welcoming village. | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 16.674' S | 177º 6.228' E | Escape Velocity | Anchored at the Octopus Resort on beautiful Waya Island. Reminds us of Ua Pou in the Marquesas. | over 8 years ago | Show
16º 56.622' S | 177º 22.056' E | Escape Velocity | The famous Blue Lagoon, but not so blue in pouring rain. | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 10.332' S | 177º 11.208' E | Escape Velocity | Anchored in Manta Ray Bay. I don't think that's the real name but that's what we're here for. | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 33.264' S | 177º 29.634' E | Escape Velocity | Long day of motorsailing, anchor down in wide Vitogo Bay while we ponder what's next. | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 40.788' S | 178º 50.166' E | Escape Velocity | In Levuka, the old capital, after a very uncomfortable overnight sail from Vanua Balavu. Happy to be hooked, even in a rolly spot. | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 34.29' S | 178º 40.65' E | Escape Velocity | Tucked in out of the wind and ready for an early departure tomorrow. | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 19.05' S | 178º 12.654' E | Escape Velocity | Making our way across the top of Viti Levu. Very windy but sunny at last. | over 8 years ago | Show
17º 10.746' S | 179º 3.27' W | Escape Velocity | Beautiful Bay of Islands at Vanuabalavu, Northern Lau, Fiji. So much to explore by kayak inbetween rain showers. | over 8 years ago | Show
16º 37.998' S | 179º 55.974' E | Escape Velocity | Left the pampered life at Sau Bay Fiji Retreat and motored a few miles to Kioa Island. Had a little trouble finding a good place to drop the hook but we're now snug, making water, baking bread, enjoying the sunshine. | over 8 years ago | Show
16º 43.308' S | 179º 53.394' E | Escape Velocity | Too much wind and uncomfortable swell sent us packing to find better shelter. Luckily we didn't have to go far, and spent a great peaceful evening in this narrow bay. Not much to do here, though, so we'll be moving on to bluer waters again. | over 8 years ago | Show
16º 44.946' S | 179º 53.802' E | Escape Velocity | Viani Bay, bright sun, quiet and peaceful, doing a few boat jobs. | over 8 years ago | Show
16º 46.68' S | 179º 20.148' E | Escape Velocity | Arrived in Fiji on Wednesday, 22 June, 2016. It's wonderful to be back in warm weather and clear water. It was a sporty passage but we're finally recovered and planning our cruise in this beautiful country. | over 8 years ago | Show
35º 18.744' S | 174º 7.536' E | Escape Velocity | Back in Opua for the first time in months. We're doing last minute fixes and provisioning, and mostly waiting for a favorable weather window to head north. Maybe next week. | almost 9 years ago | Show
35º 15.342' S | 174º 9.78' E | Escape Velocity | Expecting a front to pass tonight so moved to more sheltered bay. Bonus: better cell signal! Now off for a paddle. | almost 9 years ago | Show
35º 13.362' S | 174º 12.894' E | Escape Velocity | Anchored at Roberton Island watching the weather, hoping for a safe window to leave for Tonga before our visas expire. | almost 9 years ago | Show
35º 20.526' S | 174º 18.642' E | Escape Velocity | Coasting back up to Opua. Lovely little anchorage for the night, morning sun makes everything better after a dreary and cold day motorsailing yesterday. | almost 9 years ago | Show
35º 43.518' S | 174º 19.662' E | Escape Velocity | Back at town basin, provisioning for the tropics and wondering if we have enough olives onboard. | almost 9 years ago | Show
36º 53.316' S | 174º 47.46' E | Escape Velocity | Nearing the end of our land tour. We visited with the crew of Kia Ora yesterday. Today it's Macushla, tomorrow Silver Fern. Good to see old friends. Eager to be back home. | almost 9 years ago | Show
38º 15.858' S | 175º 7.344' E | Escape Velocity | From the top of the mountains to underground caves. Still touring this beautiful country. | almost 9 years ago | Show
39º 11.994' S | 175º 32.61' E | Escape Velocity | Great hike today. We didn't plan on staying overnight but it's too beautiful to leave. | almost 9 years ago | Show
41º 17.478' S | 174º 46.428' E | Escape Velocity | We've made it to the capital! Wellington is lively and fun. Wish we had more time. | almost 9 years ago | Show
39º 28.752' S | 176º 53.052' E | Escape Velocity | Taupo driveby, then over the mountains to Napier in stormy weather. Pshawww! Hoping for sun tomorrow. | almost 9 years ago | Show
38º 7.692' S | 176º 14.382' E | Escape Velocity | Land touring! Our first hotel has its own mineral baths. We're taking the cure. | almost 9 years ago | Show
35º 44.484' S | 174º 20.97' E | Escape Velocity | Dinner with Toucan at Norsand. | almost 9 years ago | Show
35º 55.404' S | 174º 47.088' E | Escape Velocity | Hen and chicken | almost 9 years ago | Show
36º 10.404' S | 175º 21.564' E | Escape Velocity | Perfect. Lovely sunset. | almost 9 years ago | Show
36º 9.852' S | 175º 21.6' E | Escape Velocity | A little choppy. | almost 9 years ago | Show
36º 11.964' S | 175º 20.982' E | Escape Velocity | Stunning place. Totally quiet and still. | almost 9 years ago | Show
36º 46.788' S | 174º 59.238' E | Escape Velocity | Beautiful day on a beautiful island. Best gelato since Italy! | almost 9 years ago | Show
36º 44.166' S | 174º 55.512' E | Escape Velocity | Nasty choppy day. Didn't quite make our goal but found this good anchorage anyway. | almost 9 years ago | Show
36º 24.6' S | 174º 49.8' E | Escape Velocity | By sheer dumb luck anchored right near Lin and Larry Pardey's house. #brushwithfame | almost 9 years ago | Show
36º 17.322' S | 174º 48.702' E | Escape Velocity | No wind but a pleasant motor to Omaha Bay and a tiny anchorage for the night. It's good to be underway! | almost 9 years ago | Show
35º 50.628' S | 174º 31.956' E | Escape Velocity | We escaped from Whangarei! Heading south to the Hauraki Gulf and more adventures. | almost 9 years ago | Show
35º 43.506' S | 174º 19.632' E | Escape Velocity | Bright lights, big city! Happy to be around retail finally! | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 48.552' S | 174º 28.494' E | Escape Velocity | We've made it to Urquhart Bay but not to our destination because of an unfavorable current. This is as good a place as any to spend a quiet evening onboard eating pizza. | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 37.146' S | 174º 32.22' E | Escape Velocity | Another day, more rain. Dropped the anchor in Tutukaka about 5:30 pm. Expecting unfavorable wind tomorrow but maybe sunshine. Woo-hoo! | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 19.962' S | 174º 17.082' E | Escape Velocity | Rough day, minor engine problem, electric winch issue, but a beautiful sunny day and another lovely bay. It's crowded but very quiet. | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 3.612' S | 173º 55.794' E | Escape Velocity | Feast or famine. Yesterday 30 kts. Today 3kts. Motored south and now anchored in a peaceful bay. | about 9 years ago | Show
34º 59.358' S | 173º 32.184' E | Escape Velocity | Got the anchor down, made a quick trip to Mangonui for supplies and made it back to the boat just as the weather moved in. It'll be a stormy night but cozy aboard watching TV and eating popcorn. | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 0.51' S | 173º 43.794' E | Escape Velocity | In Rere Bay, enjoying more beautiful New Zealand scenery. | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 4.26' S | 173º 45.468' E | Escape Velocity | Weather moving in so we joined our friends in a cozy spot. Nasty trip here, but all is well now. | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 11.718' S | 174º 1.176' E | Escape Velocity | Long dinghy ride up the river to Kerikeri. Great weather! | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 16.32' S | 174º 6.816' E | Escape Velocity | Out in the islands, finally. Still chilly but sunny now. | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 18.774' S | 174º 7.662' E | Escape Velocity | Back in Opua. Sunny day, makin' water, hangin' out. | about 9 years ago | Show
35º 15.618' S | 174º 6.0' E | Escape Velocity | Vacation to the charming town of Russell for a few days of R&R. Oh, and head repair. | over 9 years ago | Show
35º 18.858' S | 174º 7.362' E | Escape Velocity | We're here! We'll spend the night tied to the Quarantine dock and get clearance in the morning. But tonight, we celebrate! | over 9 years ago | Show
34º 22.2' S | 174º 23.508' E | Escape Velocity | Wind gone, motoring last bit, will make Opua tonight. All is well.
| over 9 years ago | Show
32º 10.2' S | 174º 52.272' E | Escape Velocity | Light wind continues, slow progress, comfy. All is well.
| over 9 years ago | Show
30º 33.9' S | 175º 55.8' E | Escape Velocity | Very light wind, will motor for a while today. All is well but chilly!
| over 9 years ago | Show
28º 43.902' S | 176º 40.302' E | Escape Velocity | Dream passage continues, another perfect day. Brownies!
| over 9 years ago | Show
27º 2.1' S | 177º 56.802' E | Escape Velocity | Lovely calm sailing, light but steady wind. No drama, all is well.
| over 9 years ago | Show
25º 2.4' S | 179º 11.568' E | Escape Velocity | On passage to NZ. 1st day lively, now sedate. All is well, good weather.
| over 9 years ago | Show
23º 38.7' S | 178º 53.532' W | Escape Velocity | Anchored in N. Minerva Reef. Incredible! Beach bonfire, good fun.
| over 9 years ago | Show
23º 33.402' S | 178º 17.892' W | Escape Velocity | Dead calm, motoring last 12 hrs. All is well, slow.
| over 9 years ago | Show
21º 40.308' S | 177º 8.058' W | Escape Velocity | Seas settled, wind moderated, good sailing. Not much appetite but all is good
| over 9 years ago | Show
18º 41.898' S | 174º 1.8' W | Escape Velocity | Autopilot working, raw water pump working. All is well.
| over 9 years ago | Show
18º 40.002' S | 173º 58.998' W | Escape Velocity | Picked up mooring 11am after scary autopilot fail. All is well.
| over 9 years ago | Show
16º 30.054' S | 151º 45.378' W | Escape Velocity | Back in Bora Bora, waiting for a weather window for Tonga. | over 9 years ago | Show
17º 32.418' S | 149º 34.23' W | Escape Velocity | In Papeete taking care of my back. | over 9 years ago | Show
16º 39.066' S | 151º 45.534' W | Escape Velocity | On a mooring at the MaiKai marina, Bora Bora. Weather crappy.
| over 9 years ago | Show
16º 36.282' S | 151º 33.498' W | Escape Velocity | Anchored on the reef in Taha'a hoping to snorkel the coral garden tomorrow.
| over 9 years ago | Show
16º 43.182' S | 151º 2.37' W | Escape Velocity | Anchored off Fare, Huahine, after a hellish night passage from Tahiti. All is well.
| over 9 years ago | Show
17º 30.9' S | 149º 51.12' W | Escape Velocity | Opunohu Bay, Moorea. Cold and rainy. Harrumph!
| over 9 years ago | Show
17º 30.27' S | 149º 49.314' W | Escape Velocity | Cook's Bay, Moorea. New paddleboard. Life is good.
| over 9 years ago | Show
17º 32.418' S | 149º 34.206' W | Escape Velocity | Tahiti! The Bounty, now EV. No mutiny, though. | over 9 years ago | Show
16º 35.616' S | 147º 1.884' W | Escape Velocity | To Tahiti. Slow night. All is well.
| over 9 years ago | Show
16º 3.858' S | 145º 37.086' W | Escape Velocity | Back in Fakarava north, rainy and cold.
| over 9 years ago | Show
16º 27.096' S | 145º 22.044' W | Escape Velocity | Weather moving in, sheltered in the SE corner of Fakarava.
| over 9 years ago | Show
16º 20.328' S | 145º 29.742' W | Escape Velocity | Halfway to the south pass, calm and peaceful.
| over 9 years ago | Show
16º 3.66' S | 145º 37.2' W | Escape Velocity | In Fakarava, atoll to the stars. (I made that up.)
| over 9 years ago | Show
13º 28.518' S | 143º 19.47' W | Escape Velocity | Calmer conditions. Steady progress. All is well.
| over 9 years ago | Show
11º 52.14' S | 141º 52.458' W | Escape Velocity | Boisterous night. Feast or famine. All is well.
| over 9 years ago | Show
10º 26.7' S | 140º 57.0' W | Escape Velocity | On our way to the Tuamotus. Good weather, fair wind.
| over 9 years ago | Show
9º 21.612' S | 140º 2.766' W | Escape Velocity | in Baie d'Hakahau, Ua Pou. Lovely, quiet. | over 9 years ago | Show
8º 56.7' S | 140º 9.9' W | Escape Velocity | In Daniel's Bay, off the grid again.
| over 9 years ago | Show
8º 55.02' S | 140º 5.85' W | Escape Velocity | Anchored in Baie de Taiohae, Nuku Hiva.
| over 9 years ago | Show
9º 45.9' S | 139º 8.412' W | Escape Velocity | Anchored in Hanamenu Bay, Hiva Oa.
| over 9 years ago | Show
8º 55.602' S | 139º 32.028' W | Escape Velocity | Anchored in Baie d'Hane, Ua Huka
| over 9 years ago | Show
9º 54.462' S | 139º 6.198' W | Escape Velocity | Back in Hanamoenoa, Tahuata. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
9º 56.22' S | 139º 6.714' W | Escape Velocity | In Vaitahu, Tahuata. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
9º 50.202' S | 139º 1.728' W | Escape Velocity | Bumpy 8-1/2 miles to Tuhuata. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
9º 48.39' S | 139º 1.962' W | Escape Velocity | Uncomfortable trip to Hiva Oa. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
10º 27.9' S | 138º 40.098' W | Escape Velocity | We're here! So happy!
| almost 10 years ago | Show
10º 21.798' S | 137º 54.84' W | Escape Velocity | Big wind, huge seas. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
5º 25.62' S | 125º 54.228' W | Escape Velocity | Wind! Finally! All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
3º 25.2' S | 123º 20.7' W | Escape Velocity | Wind up and down but moving well. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
1º 41.04' S | 121º 34.098' W | Escape Velocity | Constant squalls for last 24H. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
0º 58.902' S | 121º 1.068' W | Escape Velocity | Clawing our way south. Mostly drifting. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
0º 15.798' N | 120º 42.198' W | Escape Velocity | Finally wind! Big seas, 12kts. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
3º 9.3' N | 118º 53.802' W | Escape Velocity | Very light winds again. Slow going. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
4º 24.102' N | 116º 11.4' W | Escape Velocity | Rough night, squalls. Passed a tanker. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
6º 41.898' N | 113º 28.5' W | Escape Velocity | We turned south and found wind!. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
7º 16.2' N | 111º 24.702' W | Escape Velocity | Barely moving in 4 kts of wind. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
6º 11.31' N | 99º 44.478' W | Escape Velocity | All is well aboard EV. Still light winds, steady progress. | almost 10 years ago | Show
5º 51.612' N | 101º 39.282' W | Escape Velocity | Wind came back overnight, still light, but EV is moving again! | almost 10 years ago | Show
6º 29.052' N | 102º 45.198' W | Escape Velocity | Joy! Sailing nearly full and by, back to normal. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
5º 44.088' N | 100º 35.148' W | Escape Velocity | Dead in the water. Motoring in 0 wind. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
7º 37.47' N | 96º 6.432' W | Escape Velocity | All is well. Wind died overnight, making slow progress today | almost 10 years ago | Show
7º 0.222' N | 105º 31.092' W | Escape Velocity | It comes, it goes. Wind is up, wind is down. All is well. | almost 10 years ago | Show
8º 24.312' N | 94º 15.432' W | Escape Velocity | All is well on board. Big breakfast, nice day. | almost 10 years ago | Show
9º 31.32' N | 92º 9.612' W | Escape Velocity | All is well on board. Very light winds but pleasant weather. | almost 10 years ago | Show
13º 18.408' N | 88º 54.132' W | Escape Velocity | Back on EV | about 10 years ago | Show
8º 37.29' N | 83º 9.168' W | Escape Velocity | | almost 11 years ago | Show